
Shot Staying Alive With Diabetes Book Review

Decent Essays

For my book selection, I decided to choose "Shot: Staying Alive with Diabetes" by Amy F. Ryan. I chose this book because it hits close to home with me being a type one diabetic. The book covers Amy's journey from childhood before she was ever diagnosed with diabetes through her diagnosis, growing up with type one diabetes, and how it effected her everyday life. For me, reading this book was very emotional. It brought back a lot of the thoughts, questions and feelings I had before I was first diagnosed, during my diagnosis, and how diabetes has effected my life. The book does an amazing job at showing the disease through the person's eyes through with whom is diagnosed.
The book starts out with Amy planning on going on vacation with her …show more content…

Parents are often the backbone of a family, so when there is a crisis, they try their hardest to fix what has been broken. In a situation like this, parent's, just like Amy's, feel hopeless because they think that things will never be back to normal in their family. This is true and false. Amy's diagnoses showed her parents that they had a lot to learn about diabetes, and that it isn't al from not eating healthy. It showed them that Amy won't feel like she's a regular kid unless they learn to make diabetes an ordinary part of life. In the beginning of her diagnoses, Amy's parents felt hopeless. They felt like Amy's life would never be the same. But Amy uses a quote that I personally found very helpful whenever you feel down about your diabetes. "I'm more than a diabetic, I'm someone who had diabetes. But I'm also a daughter, an athlete, a sister, a musician. Diabetes doesn't define me, it's just another part of who I am. I'm who I am because of this disease. It's made me stronger. It's given me a reason to fight for a …show more content…

Amy achieved her goal of letting the readers know a diagnosis isn't just a diagnosis, it's a life changing event that effects your life even before diagnosis, until you die. It's very relatable to me due to me being a T1D. I could relate to pretty much everything the author spoke on, from the symptoms before diagnosis, the emotions she had after being diagnosed, how she felt when it came to her parents and how her diagnosis effected them, to the life events that diabetes completely changed. I was able to look back at my diagnosis and life living as a T1D and compare it to Amy's story. I felt connected to Amy after reading this book. I have never had a close friend I could take with about diabetes, so it was nice to find someone I could relate to. My knowledge about diabetes hasn't changed much since I've lived with it for pretty much my entire life,. But it has changed my knowledge on the fact that I'm not alone in this disease. Amy talked about going to group therapy and meeting with other people who are diabetic helped her a lot through the hard times. That's something I would really like to try in the future. I've always seen my diabetes as something extremely personal, which is why I don't share much about it with friends or family. But after reading this book, I may give expressing my feelings about it, and what is going on with my health when it comes to diabetes with my

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