
Self Reflection

Decent Essays

According to the Keirsey Temperament workbook, my combined values make me a guardian. My knowledge, experience, dedication, authority, and reliability are strengths that make me a great leader. I choose to manage the recycling yard, public, and staff like any great manager would. In order for me to manage efficiently, I would like to improve a few things. I find myself to be very easy going, abrupt, and shy, and have come to realize these attributes hold me back. Aside from the areas that need improvement, the effectiveness of my strengths creates a healthy and enjoyable work environment.
Having experience in this field allows me to manage the operations of the recycling yard properly. My coworkers respect my opinions and decisions without hesitation due to my knowledge. They know my choices are reliable and have no problem completing their jobs correctly. If someone needs a second opinion, they know I am an accountable source and will ask for my input. I found that my experience and intelligence builds trust with other employees and provides a suitable environment. This is necessary in my line of work to ensure everything runs smoothly. Without empathy and compassion for my coworkers, I would only be hurting the community. Having respect from others in the workplace makes it easier for everyone to enjoy their time on the job. Although this is a place of work, it is also our lives and should be something we all enjoy. It brings me great pleasure to know my coworkers are happy throughout the day and are enthusiastic while completing the job. Everyone knows they can ask questions and look for my assistance without feeling less than me. Therefore, I have no problem enlightening my peers on the requirements and duties for the day. I have always been very dedicated to my job, and finish tasks the way they should be done. I have found my love for this job has inspired others to take pride in their work. I make it known that their tasks should always be done correctly the first time. Being so involved in my work has made it easier for me to be authoritative when needed. Everyone in the workplace respects my authority while still having fun at the end of the day. Although my current strengths have lead me to

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