
Self-Directed Behavior By Watson And Tharp

Satisfactory Essays

Journaling helped me see that I don’t actually study as much as I need to and that I also make many excuses. At first I thought it was because I spend too much time at my sister in laws house on the weekend but then I realized that it’s because I’m just lazy and I watch too much television. Once I went home after school, I was too tired to study or do homework. All I wanted to do was eat, watch televisions and relax. I wanted to achieve my end goal but I couldn’t build up the effort to work at achieving it. I don’t know how to self-regulate my actions; I tend to let myself slide by in my work. I know I can try harder but I have a low self-efficacy. When recording I would try to remember what I’ve done for the past couple of days on pure memory.

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