My score on the self-assessment evaluation was 84, and according to that I “listen well”, but I know I can work to improve that. One of my lower scores from bad listening habits was “Giving in to mental distractions” and “Judging a speaker on personal appearance”. To comment on giving in to Mental distractions, sometimes because you have so much going on at work, at home, in school, you are easily distract with many thoughts. A great example for me was Tuesday at work, many times throughout the day, I caught myself thinking about my speech, so during a meeting when someone was talking, my mind was drifting to those thoughts again, so one of the techniques that I used was bring my mind right back to meeting and focus hard on the message given.
Self-Evaluation allows an individual to do an appraisal of self. Individuals are able to access ones strength, weakness and reflect and re-evaluate situation. It is important to evaluate self after each action, course or activities completed. Often times we take things for granted. This leadership course as informed, re-enforce and given me the opportunity to reflect on self and practice.
I have received a professional bachelor degree in Finance, specializing in banking and insurance, where I have gained excellent theoretical and practical knowledge in finance analysis, management, accounting, statistics, and technology. Currently I am studying at XXX University to obtain MBA in International Banking and Finance. My expectation is that with an MBA, my strengths will position me to pursue a broader scope of practice within other fields than audit, and in a variety of settings beyond the financial services with which I am most familiar.
I felt more comfortable during this speech than I had in my previous two speeches. I’m not sure if it was because of how much I love the topic of aviation, or if it’s because I’m getting more and more exposed to public speaking. Nevertheless, I haven’t yet viewed my speech as I’m writing this, but I felt that I hit my goals of limited uh/ums, more movement, and staying organized in order to hit every point.
I chose to assess myself positively in all of the categories because I felt that I did a good job of thoroughly responding to and completing each of the requirements. I came to the discussion with a several page response to each of the four questions that I posed in relation to the text, complete with a highlighted and annotated copy of the story to use as a reference point. During the discussion itself, I referred to how the specific actions of each of the characters in the story might be interpreted and related in a more broad sense to the meaning of the work as a whole. For example, I spoke at one point about how the actions of the wife seemed inconsistent with the continuous importance placed on the value of honor within the story, as her
After reveiewing my results from the self assessment test, my scores improved except for communication. In communication I scored one point higher than before. I dont think the test is accurate but it has definitely made me more aware of my practices and actions. Since taking the first assessment Ive been more mindful and have tried very hard to improve personally and professionally. My attitude/behavior is my professional strength. Im always positive and I keep a smile on my face no matter the situation. My knowledge and skills are reflected in all of the work that I complete. Through my actions my patients can see that I have a passion for helping others. I hold myself to a high standard and expect nothing but the best. Im always
While reviewing the results of all of my self-assessment, the management areas where I would need to improve is to learn to be more team-oriented and to place my trust in the actions of others. As I reflect these self-assessments back at my life with the new insights in the exercise conducted, I’ve considered becoming more attentive to the needs of others by either expressing my emotions more often and taking other people consideration and ideas respectably. I hope to improve the areas to gain a better key relationship with others in the future.
Throughout each fiscal year a majority of source is used to determine quality improvement such as
This self-assessment will demonstrate the importance of developing a set of responsibilities to become a productive employee for the organization. In this assignment the individual current objectives, and future developing objectives will be discussed. Recommendation on the performance will be made, motivational theories will be analyzed. Solutions to work based problems will be given and the performance of communication in variety styles will be considered .Time management strategies of the individual will be introduced.
Quiz 11-1: The self-assessment quiz aimed to explore my creative skills and define my creativity level. I scored 21 points, which means that my “personality and attitude are similar to those of creative people, including creative leaders.” I am very satisfied with this score because I consider myself a very creative person, especially at the workplace. Every day in the workplace, I look for more ways of self-improvement, which would allow me to deliver great results dealing with shorter deadlines.
1) How have the discussions about the many aspects of global justice helped you to develop your opinions on this topic?
My self assessment test made me think about myself in a new way. I’ve never sat down and thought about my weaknesses and strengths. By taking the assessment, I realize there are areas that I need improvement. I feel confident my strengths will help me overcome my weaknesses and be successful in my academic journey.
In the activity of self-assessment, I learned that developing emotional intelligence is my highest score. I scored high in this category because throughout my life I have seen shows and movies that talk about the different emotional problems a person goes through and how it should be handled. My parents would often talk to me about how they handled their emotional problem by talking about how they dealt with death of a friend or when they feel troubled to help me in my time of need. Out of all my highest scores one that surprised me is discovering self-motivation because I’ve never found purpose in my life yet. I disagree with self-motivation because I don’t have a meaningful goal to pursue yet. I only follow what society tells me which is
On the self assessment test my feelings towards the test were mutual. I did not want over think the questions and wanted to be as honest as I could be. I only had one question that resulted a five, which was the highest (Bethel University, 2014) and one question that resulted in a two, which is between okay and poor(Bethel University, 2014). The rest of the results was fours (Bethel University, 2014), and maybe a few threes (Bethel University, 2014). The questions to the test was self explaintable. I have token test in the past that I had to really think about the question before I made my decision. I also had questions that I could put two different answers to it.
The results of my self assessment were pretty accurate to what I know about myself. I have strong intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I maintain strong relationships with others and think deeply about my life choices, goals, and ambitions. The only score that I thought would be higher was my musical score. I can play a musical instrument and I enjoy listening to music, but I don’t like to sing or play for others. Thinking back to my childhood, I was a linguistic learner. I followed directions well, if someone modeled how to do something, I could follow it and explain it back. I liked talking with someone personally to understand different concepts. The older I got, I was able to adapt to how my teachers’ taught. I had one teacher who loved using bodily-kinesthetic activities, I had other teachers who loved to sing and use logical-mathematical thinking. If I didn’t adjust to their styles of teaching, I wouldn’t have been successful in their class. I believe learning patterns can be altered because my learning pattern was altered. I’ve learned many different things from teachers who have different teaching styles. Teaching is an art and all teachers should use different teaching styles. Having a wide variety of teachers with different teaching styles made me a well rounded learner.
A self-assessment is a great way for people to take a deeper look at themselves to see what they need to improve upon. Some people have strong skills in mathematics, but cannot write or speak properly. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. I learned a lot more about myself that could hinder my work; this includes, mathematics is my weakest area of all, my time management has gotten better, but I am not where I need to be, and seeking support from others is something I need to do better with. I am already a humble individual, but pride can get in the way when I need help from someone else. The self-assessment gives an unbiased view of one another; it lets the results speak for themselves.