
Scarlet Letter Pearl

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Nolan Soderberg Mrs. Cooney American Lit CP2 D Block. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an exciting novel that emphasizes showing the difference between good and evil. Pearl plays a key role in the novel. Pearl ends up being a promising character that brings light to her mother, becoming the reason her mother attempts to live a better life. Pearl and the scarlet letter are both symbols of sin. Pearl is a mischievous child and is described as an “imp”. Pearl's role is a symbol of Hester’s sin and Hawthorne shows the effects when the Puritan society uses shame and punishment to control individuals and causes Pearl's struggles even though she is an innocent child. Throughout the novel, Pearl's personality undergoes a transformation that reflects her upbringing in a judgmental community. Pearl is initially …show more content…

Pearl matures and she starts to understand her mother’s situation and why society looks at them the way they do. But she named the infant ‘Pearl’ as being of great price- purchased with all she had- her mother’s only treasure! ”(80). Pearl's role shifts because at the beginning of the novel, she was a source of sin, but at the end, she is her mother’s greatest source of love and “She has an absolute circle of radiance around her.” (81). Pearl has many gothic traits such as being labeled an “imp”. As a child born out of wedlock in a Puritan society, Pearl faces many challenges. Pearl's character reinforces the story’s dark theme. Pearl's eerie beauty, described as possessing a “wild, fey look,” sets her apart from the other characters in the story, hinting at her supernatural qualities. Pearl is the embodiment of the devil. “Now like a real child, now like a child's spirit” (168). This quote shows that the shadows were landing on Pearl one minute, and the next minute the sun was on her. Pearl appears like a ghost one minute and appears like a normal child the next minute. This is an eerie scene

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