
Sarah Roahen's Sno-Balls

Decent Essays

“Sno-Balls” by Sarah Roahen is a painstakingly long uneventful narrative of her interaction with Hansen’s Sno-ball shop. I found myself in agony throughout most of the reading, struggling to finish the uneventful waste of paper. In no way at all did this story inspire, motivate, empower, and even more tragically, entertain me. I am honestly one-hundred percent discombobulated as to why this was published or even written for that matter. If the author’s intention in writing this was to bore me into anger filled tantrum, then she succeeded. What first triggered me was her depiction of New Orleans as a lackadaisical safe haven where underachievers can make a pilgrimage to spend their time “...on the stoop or on project so underproductive they wouldn’t count as hobbies in other cities…” Nonetheless I was still willing to overcome the bad taste this story had hastily put in my mouth and give it another chance. With a fresh new outlook on the story, Roahen did not fail to promptly regain my disapproval. After reading a measly five paragraphs I found myself exerting an unnecessary amount of energy and effort to stay focused on reading the monotonous story. …show more content…

For all I knew they could be as life changing as the author made them out to be and after trying one, I would have became this stories biggest supporter. However after continually reading the piece all credibility that I had given Roahen to talk on the subject shattered when I suspected that a conflict of interests was in play. Roahen was co-workers with Ashley Hansen who is just coincidentally the granddaughter of Ernest and Mary Hansen and heiress to the Hansen Sno-Bliz fortune. Perhaps Sarah Roahen found the perfect spot for a plug for her co-worker’s future company in her book on New Orleans food “Gumbo

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