
Sam Conte Religion

Decent Essays

Samantha (Sam) Conte is a senior Art Education major at Ball State University. I met her at a Dance and Music Collaboration concert in Sursa Hall. She and I were there for the same reason-to watch friends in the concert. After the performance was over, I was speaking with one of my friends, and she came over to congratulate the same friend. We were introduced and ended up going to dinner all together at the end of the night. During our dinner conversation, I started to get to know Sam a little better, asking her questions about her major and classes. When she did the same, I told her that I had a field trip coming up and was stressed out over the work load ahead of me, including this paper. She said that if I had not already done a religious …show more content…

As usual, I began with the basic question: Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your religion? Her answer was that she definitely had felt discriminated against in the past. She said that her experiences were usually inappropriate questions or comments. She seemed as though she did not want to elaborate on this, so I moved on to another line of questioning. Since Sam comes from a minority religion, she says that she “works really hard to not hold biases against other people.” The thing I most appreciated about this statement was that she “works really hard” to not hold biases. She acknowledges the fact that it is not always easy for her to be unbiased, even though she does not appreciate it when people hold them against her. It is never easy to admit our shortcomings, and it is especially difficult to admit that we hold biases. I greatly admired Sam for admitting that she has to work hard at this.
For Sam, differences in religion have not had an effect on her relationships; however, she says that she sometimes is concerned that it will make the topics of marriage and kids difficult to discuss. Finally, I asked Sam how religion affects her life. She responded with “it is always there if I need it.” She said that having religion keeps her morals and values strong, and she often turns to it when she is having a rough time. On this and many other points, she and I 100 percent

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