
Role Of Tourism Experience In Tourism

Decent Essays

The primary motive of the tourism industry is the ability to create a touristic experience. According to Oh, Fiore & Jeoung (2007), a person visiting any tourist destination is often motivated by the physical state of a place rather than a mental image. Therefore, the article, “Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications”, by Oh, Fiore & Jeoung (2007), focuses on a study aimed at developing the measurement scale of the lodging experiences of a tourist destination, which could undergo some modification to measure different tourist experiences. The authors came up with experience economy concepts that they operationalized and tested using the lodging experiences of the customers. Aside from that, the article attempts to …show more content…

This article focuses on how companies could enter emerging experience economy by looking at the experience characteristics and design principles that could help pioneer customer’s experience.
The article stipulates that an experience often occurs when a firm intentionally uses the services as the stage and the products offered as the props and engages the customers in ways that offer a memorable experience. Most of the entertainment businesses, such as Disney have always put the efforts and concentrations on the experiences of their customers. This experience is taking root in the businesses since they have to focus on different ways that give their customers with an experience to retain them. Pine & Gilmore (2011) indicate that it is high time that companies consider the different ways to carry out their operations for them to give the customer’s an outstanding experience.
Customer experience can be achieved in two ways. First, the participation of the customers and, second the ability of a company to connect with the customers. Besides that, the article gives different ways within which businesses could design their customers’ experiences. First, by harmonizing their impressions with positive cues while, at the same time, eliminating negative cues the consumers. The author concludes by indicating that a customer experience is a direct

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