
Rev 8.11 Research Paper

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worse because it is more a conflagration than a volcanic upheaval. It is also a reminiscent of the first plague in Egypt (Exodus 7.20). The third trumpet is the judgement over the third part of the rivers and springs, bittering the waters, and killing many people who drunk the toxic water polluted by this “star”, which can be a meteorite. The wormwood is a plant which produces hallucinogen effects and can damage the brain. Not necessarily produce death, except if it is drunk over the recommended doses. Consequently, the wormwood mentioned in Rev 8.11 is something worse. The wormwood also represents God’s justice (Am. 5.7), punishment of God over the false prophets (Jer. 23.15), and anguish (Lam 3.15). At the sound of the fourth trumpet, one-third of the sun and stars are darkened. Resemble the ninth …show more content…

The place around the Euphrates river was where human life started, and it is the place where comes those who will finish with one-third of humanity. It also was the place where existed the great powers of Babylon, Persia, and Assyria, and it is also the land God promised to Abraham (Gen 15.18). It seems that the only way to save from the plagues and the army, is to repent. However, the remaining two-third, did not repent, resembling the hard-hearted answer of Pharaoh in Egypt. The seventh trumpet seems to be signaling the end of these judgments, or the end of the great tribulation because the Holy Spirit, mention the coming of the Kingdom of God. It is the end of the kingdom of the world, where Satan rule, of which he says (Lk 4.-6) “the kingdoms of the world were given to me”. However, it is not the second coming of Christ, as it could seem. There is no mention that under the seventh trumpet the great dragon is tied and threw to the abyss. In addition, as a manner of

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