
The Seven Trumpets Interpreted In The Bible

Decent Essays

Trumpets mentioned in the Bible are interpreted as an announcement, a warning, or a way to praise God. In the Old Testament, the shofar is predominantly mentioned and the silver trumpet as well. The Feasts of the Trumpets announces that Jesus will return and a new life will come. Not only do the seven trumpets reveal a signal, but they are prophecies that are preparing the followers of Jesus and enter the Kingdom of God. The seven trumpets states that events will occur with each involving its own purpose. God has his ways of making himself known, if these trumpets have a significant meaning, it should make people aware of their actions and preparing themselves for the day of judgment. In the Bible the first day of the seventh month happens …show more content…

As stated in the first two trumpets, is WWII triggered by this? The third trumpet has some type of connection as the Chernobyl disaster as well (End of Time 2014). The fourth trumpet is linked to the “new world order”, when Ronald Reagan was President in 1989. The fifth trumpet is prophesized to have a connection with the Gulf war and the Iraqi soldiers spilling over 800 oil wells around the deserts of Kuwait (End of Time 2014). Suddam Hussein being their president which in Hebrew means destroyer as stated in Rev 9:11, could this actually be coincidence or a prophecy? At the end, God will come and judge those on Earth. I believe that some of these events have occurred and are occurring today. Whether people believe in these prophecies or not, God makes himself known though the trumpets. The Bible is revealing how this will end, God wants to save everyone. He wants for people to follow the Word of God, but those who do not believe will end up suffering the most. I believe that these revelations and the symbolism of the trumpets are a way for people to get closer to God before it is too late. As Jesus told the disciples, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe” (John

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