
Research Paper On Happy Fet

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Happy Feet is a very emotional and, in my eyes, a very dark movie. It teaches children how to cope with being different. Some very difficult topics are brought up in this movie, self-concept, values, and goals. These topics can be very difficult for a child to understand.
The topic most touched on in this movie is on self-concept. From the beginning of the movie, it shows the male penguins and the female penguins singing to each other to find their mates. They are very particular with their songs they sing to each other and who they ended up with. A lot of the males wanted to be with Norma Jean. Normal Jean, is seen as the most amazing penguin. She’s beautiful and has and an amazing voice. Self concept is the way you perceive yourself and Norma Jean has a very high self concept. She won’t be with just any penguin. After many males have tried to win her over, she meets Memphis and they fall in love. They have a baby and name him Mumble. Mumble doesn’t have a very high self concept because he is the only penguin that can’t sing to save his life. He can dance though. Mumble is also very proud of the fact that he can dance. He …show more content…

Finding your song and the one that you love are the long term goals in “Happy Feet”. The long term goal in this movie is to find your heart song. Since Mumble can not sing he need help to win over Gloria. He gets help from the Amigos. Ramon sings for Mumble in an attempt to get Gloria to fall for Mumble. Short term goals help you achieve your long term goals. Mumble’s short term goal was to find the aliens and ask them where all of the fish had been taken. He gets the help of Lovelace who had the plastic rings of a sixpack entangled around his neck. While looking for the aliene Lovelace almost dies because of the plastic around his neck but mumble saves him. After he is unable to find the aliens he goes back to the colony. Here he finally realizes that in order to win Gloria he has to be

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