
A Simple Plan vs The Pardoners Tale

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Comparative Study The Pardoners Tale vs A Simple Plan Although the settings are very different, one taking place in 14th century Scotland and the other in modern day America, the ideas of both texts are similar, "Radix Natorum est Cupi datas", meaning "greed is the root of all evil". The transformation of The Pardoners Tale into A Simple Plan has allowed Raimi to demonstrate that despite the new values emerging in the new context, the human condition is essentially unchanged as it always remains vulnerable to avarice. Both tales exhibit this idea from different perspectives to relfect the values of their context. The Pardoners Tale reflects a religious society where sin is punished by God whereas A Simple Plan depicts a humanistic …show more content…

This movie explores issues of greed, human relationships, betrayal and redemption, personal innocence and responsibility as well as the effects on the human mind when held back from a perceived right, in this case the American dream of owning your own farm. Hanks decline in the first moral debate with Jacob and Lou over the money in the plane that, "you work for the American dream, not steal it", defines fundamental

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