
Republican Party Research Paper

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America is the land of the free; it is a place where people have the right to express words and form them into actions. Given the right to say what’s on their minds, Americans are well-known as an opinionated crowd. Political attitudes particularly have the tendency to come across strongly. Most of Americans’ political perspectives fall into two distinct parties: Democrats and Republicans. These groups have smaller groups within them, all based on varying public opinion. People flock to those with similar ideas. Some people create or are involved in interest groups to act on their beliefs. Said beliefs are strong and have the capacity to change current political agendas. Beliefs produce responses; responses ignite operation. The power of political …show more content…

On the topic of climate change, the two parties lie on opposite sides of the spectrum. According to, “Democrats are committed to curbing the effects of climate change, protecting America’s natural resources, and ensuring the quality of our air, water, and land for current and future generations” (“Environment”). On the other hand, Republicans tend to oppose the idea of climate change, claiming that it is fake science. An article published by CNN discusses how Donald Trump views climate change as a “hoax”, and how the Republican party tries to distance themselves from the issue. “Financially, the GOP hesitates to act because it receives the vast majority of the campaign contributions from oil, gas, coal and other energy industries” (Brownstein). The Republican party values financial gain over environmental stability. One party actively fights against climate change, the other fights its validity. However, the two parties are not all black and white. The Pew Research Center recently published a study on the various political ideologies of America. Both Democrats and Republicans are composed of smaller …show more content…

They are like a feedback loop, in which they all affect each other. Interest groups have the potential to impact public opinion, and public opinion affects the political parties in power. The Democrat party strives for reducing global warming; the Republican party questions the legitimacy of climate change and is more money-focused. Using Democratic ideals will help the planet reach a healthier state, and combining that with Republican ideals has the potential to shift the economy and create sustainable jobs. Political opinions can be useful in creating change, but ultimately, the most important factor to consider keeping the Earth and its inhabitants healthy. Aligning our actions and supporting proactive groups will help keep our world in good shape. Regardless of political parties and opinions, all living beings deserve a clean planet to live

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