
Republican Party Research Paper

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The terms Democrat and Republican are the names given to the two major political parties in the United States.

The Republican party founded was in 1854 and is also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP. The Republican party is primarily associated with business interests, supports a restricted government role in economic matters, and takes a conservative stand on most issues. Its significance was recognized in 1860, when Abraham Lincoln was elected as president. It is currently the second largest party making up roughly one-third of the voting public today.

The Republican party in general believes that individuals and communities should look after their own people in need and that if the government needs to help out or intervene then it …show more content…

Republicans generally support the death penalty, oppose abortion, oppose gun control, and oppose the minimum wage increase.

The term Democrat basically means a person who identifies as a democrat and is a supporter of democracy or a democratic government, which is a government characterized by the principle of political or social equality for all, a government by the people, for the people.

The Democratic party was formed after the split of the Democratic-Republican party in 1824. In the 1990s the party grew from its earlier platform and started to support a government with more regulation in the areas of business and economic matters. This led to the founding of social assistance programs during the New Deal Era, during this time the party started to hold a more liberal view of the Constitution.

The Democratic party commonly believes that government should take care of its people and that the federal government has enought resources to do

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