
Religious Accommodations In The Vietnam War

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The Army has been steadily changing over the years and will always be changing. From the Vietnam Era, where Soldiers were openly drinking and partying while deployed to now in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Some of the biggest changes have been in the Equal Opportunity Program and The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. The Equal Opportunity Program Changed once again in 2014 for religious accommodations. Religious accommodations fall into generally five categorizes, worship practices, dietary practices, medical practices, wear and appearance of Army uniform, and grooming practices. Religion defined: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.
Religious accommodations in the …show more content…

However, religious accommodations do have some exceptions. Some of these are the hijab, turban, religious medallions or jewelry, and being able to have a beard. Being in Aviation religious accommodations creates some concern due to foreign object damage (FOD). Even though religious hijab, turban and necklaces may be worn with command approval if it interferes with your MOS or job it may not be worn while actively working.
Is having a beard in the Army because of your religion is an Equal Opportunity complaint in its self? If you do not have a religion, but raised to believe that having a beard is what makes a man then how is that not wrong from an Equal Opportunity standpoint. It is a hard point to argue and an even tougher thing to prove what you were raised to believe. So how do senior Army leaders solve this problem? Consequently, this will always be a problem in the Army unless Soldiers decide to lay aside their differences and one standard as a whole.
Right now the Army is testing Soldiers with different style beards and facial hair to test the gas mask and if it will seal properly (see appendix A). The problem I perceive here is that they have already approved Sikh men. So if the testing shows that it can’t work, is the religious accommodation still approved? Furthermore, in today’s world, it is not always good to

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