The Army has been steadily changing over the years and will always be changing. From the Vietnam Era, where Soldiers were openly drinking and partying while deployed to now in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Some of the biggest changes have been in the Equal Opportunity Program and The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. The Equal Opportunity Program Changed once again in 2014 for religious accommodations. Religious accommodations fall into generally five categorizes, worship practices, dietary practices, medical practices, wear and appearance of Army uniform, and grooming practices. Religion defined: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.
Religious accommodations in the
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However, religious accommodations do have some exceptions. Some of these are the hijab, turban, religious medallions or jewelry, and being able to have a beard. Being in Aviation religious accommodations creates some concern due to foreign object damage (FOD). Even though religious hijab, turban and necklaces may be worn with command approval if it interferes with your MOS or job it may not be worn while actively working.
Is having a beard in the Army because of your religion is an Equal Opportunity complaint in its self? If you do not have a religion, but raised to believe that having a beard is what makes a man then how is that not wrong from an Equal Opportunity standpoint. It is a hard point to argue and an even tougher thing to prove what you were raised to believe. So how do senior Army leaders solve this problem? Consequently, this will always be a problem in the Army unless Soldiers decide to lay aside their differences and one standard as a whole.
Right now the Army is testing Soldiers with different style beards and facial hair to test the gas mask and if it will seal properly (see appendix A). The problem I perceive here is that they have already approved Sikh men. So if the testing shows that it can’t work, is the religious accommodation still approved? Furthermore, in today’s world, it is not always good to
I was able to find that UPS decide to incorporate a “no beards” policy while working for the company. This policy led to a lawsuit for the company. “The EEOC claims that the shipping company didn’t provide religious exemptions to its look policy, which requires workers to be “clean cut”” (Zillman, 2015, pg.1). The reasoning behind this lawsuit was due to a Muslim applying for a position at UPS and the company told him that he would have to shave his beard to be eligible for the position. His beard was part of his religion and UPS disregarded that and told him he would have to shave it to meet the policy expectations of UPS. “” God would understand,” if he trimmed it, the applicant was told, and if he chose not to, he could apply for a lower paying job” (Zillman, 2015, pg.1). Naturally, UPS faced a lawsuit, for not only talking to a person like this, but also because the company was deliberately disregarding the religious rights this future employee has. Since this, UPS has provided accommodations for employees with certain religious practices regarding facial hair and has even gone the extra mile to provide times where employees can
Religion as defined by Merriam-Webster is, “the belief in a god or in a group of gods; an organized
I love how you talked about the Sgt. Dhillon. I think this was a catalyst for other agencies to realize the importance culture has on individuals. With Canada being open and accepting other cultures, it would make sense for them to be able to accommodate these cultural beliefs. After researching this topic myself, I found that municipal agencies are also allowing for individuals to wear the turban as a part of their uniform.
The issue of diversity in the Army is neither a recent development nor a modern-day societal impasse. The Army has faced this problem for a significant
As we know now the modern Army has a strict policy governed by AR 670-1 as to haircuts, hairstyles (for females), and facial hair. Yet a new Army Directive has come out that is allowing different changes to policy for religious purposes. This Directive will allow a soldier, with a religious preference hindered by 670-1, an amendment to policy that would allow a beard, as well as wear of other headdresses. Because of that and other requests, the Army is conducting research into integrating a policy that would allow an Army wide change, and give Soldiers an opportunity to grow beards.
With the new revisions tattoos won’t be the only thing up for discussion; hair, makeup, and piercings will be too (Dallet). In a recent article there was a discussion about an off duty troop who was unshaven, and had on torn clothes who had a piercing. While he was out and about on the military base, he was seen by a few Airmen and who quickly labeled the Army as “The Ghetto Service”. This assumption gave the impression that the Army let anyone who wanted to enlist in. This relates back to the army tattoo policy, because I feel that the Army is placing those that have tattoos in the same category as those Airmen. Chandler took that situation as an insult and this is when he decided that it was time to fix this.
Rules demanding certain uniform or hard hats to be worn may discriminate against religious groups. However, the employer can be saved if he proves them to be bona fide occupational requirement but it must relate to a necessary part of the job. If it is just an excuse then it is discrimination based on caste or religion. Also, if this rule affects a particular group, the employer must take reasonable steps to put up the disadvantaged group. (Yates).
This paper begins by examines the Religious Accommodations currently addressed within the ranks of the United States Army. Jewish Orthodox Jews and Sikhs are chosen to illustrate the bounds being made to accommodate Soldiers in the armed forces nevertheless maintaining standards, structure and discipline. The paper concludes with the process administered to afford anyone desiring accommodation for grooming standards the opportunity to have their needs met.
Some issues that have come up in American history have taken on a wild evolution, such as the way the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender soldiers have been viewed. I believe that the acceptance or rejection of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender troops has varied over time because the level of masculinity in
Some other military’s like the German military has no shaving regulation allowing their soldiers to grow beards and moustaches as they please. This gives the German soldiers a more casual look rather than a professional look.
Discrimination is, unfortunately, is not new to the Army. Gender and religious discrimination are carried over from civilian life. Racism is no exception as to the varying types of discrimination some bring into the Army. The Army provides training regarding what expectations there are, but the Army will never be able to truly legislate morality.
Throughout history, the Army has been one of the most discriminate organization in the United States. There were policies and regulations in place the prohibited you from serving in the Armed Forces or hold certain positions in the Army based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, and many types of medical conditions. Only within the past five years has some of these barriers been lifted and opportunities opened for those that were traditionally discriminated against.
The Army has always been an organization that takes care of its own; we adjust to changing times and adapt for the betterment of all humankind. However, the Army has small pockets of Soldiers that do not adhere to the Army values. Along time ago, the social norm allowed for different treatment of African Americans and whites, homosexuals and heterosexuals, and women and men. Now, we can see how the Army has changed throughout the years and how the Army values have changed for the better.
Gay people have not always been barred from military service, and in fact, have served in the nation's wars throughout its history. The military's official stance toward gays and lesbians has evolved over time, often in tandem with social change. In the 1920's and 1930's, homosexuality was treated as a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment. That attitude began to change in the early 1940's,
Handlebar mustaches, goatees, and beards are not authorized. If appropriate medical authority prescribes beard growth, the length required for medical treatment must be specified. For example, “The length of the beard will not exceed 1/4 inch.” Soldiers will keep the growth trimmed to the level specified by appropriate medical authority, but they are not authorized to shape the growth into goatees, or “Fu Manchu” or handlebar mustaches.