
Essay on Proposed Revisions to the Army Tattoo Policy

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Although tattoos represent a variety of things in a person’s life, they don’t necessarily dictate how well a person is able to perform their job. For the last few months, there has been an ongoing debate about troops in the Army that have tattoos, and as a result their careers have been placed on the line. With this upcoming change, it has been specifically said that troops cannot have tattoos that extend below their knees and above their elbows and ones that reach above their neckline. Sgt. Maj. Raymond Chandler argues that tattoos cannot be racist, extremist, or sexist. If the tattoo violates that then they will have to get it removed (Freedberg). While it is assumed that this is limited to new recruits, it will also be applied to the …show more content…

At the time the Army gained a large number of troops, but what they failed to realize was that they enlisted more troops than they needed. This is when the proposed revision to the grooming policy came up for discussion. With the new revisions tattoos won’t be the only thing up for discussion; hair, makeup, and piercings will be too (Dallet). In a recent article there was a discussion about an off duty troop who was unshaven, and had on torn clothes who had a piercing. While he was out and about on the military base, he was seen by a few Airmen and who quickly labeled the Army as “The Ghetto Service”. This assumption gave the impression that the Army let anyone who wanted to enlist in. This relates back to the army tattoo policy, because I feel that the Army is placing those that have tattoos in the same category as those Airmen. Chandler took that situation as an insult and this is when he decided that it was time to fix this.
At this time the troops have the First Amendment to back them on this issue at hand. The amendment gives them the right to express their freedom of speech. As I previously stated there wasn’t a specific way that your speech had to be expressed. So it all boils down to the question if the army is discriminating against their troops, or they just won’t deal with tattoos. An example of a troop exercising his right was where Gunja talks about how Kalsi, the first Sikh soldier to

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