
Reflection On Career Interest Assessment

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Career Interest & Assessment

After doing an assessment it matched me up with a number of jobs including Coach, Professional Athlete, and Sports Official. These jobs are absolutely the jobs I wanted mostly because they involve sports and teaching others how to play. One job I am surprised that I didn’t get matched up with was lawyer, being a lawyer was if not my favorite, my second favorite job; it’s my back-up plan behind sports. According to my assessment I am a tactile learner, which means I learn better hands-on, I agree with this because I believe I learn better from an activity compared to just taking notes or lecturing. This learning style kind of associate with the jobs I was matched up with because when you’re an athlete you mostly …show more content…

Sports coaches have to have a passion for that sport they’re coaching and the ability to communicate with everyone. It’s the coach's job to provide the training and exercises to help an athlete perform. Coaches’ work at all levels of sports and they work with lots of different people for example they may work at a middle school level, community level, or even the professional level in all different sports. To help athletes up their game, coaches have to build drills and conduct exercises. Using their knowledge in that sport, they can teach athletes to use the proper form and technique to help them perform better. Coaches’ also have to build a team’s strategy, to build a strategy coaches’ have to analyze their opponent and determine their weaknesses and their strong points before a match so the coach can critique his team and make them ready for that specific team, by calling specific plays and putting in specific players to make his team play their …show more content…

Some coaches do get a degree just to back up their coaching career for example a coach could get a degree in athletic training or physical therapy, but most coaches get their experience and knowledge from backing up more experienced coaches by being assistant coaches and following their lead. Some levels of coaching may require some things, for example if your coaching for school or at a high school level then you may need a degree or be a teacher, most school or part time coaches have knowledge in CPR most of the

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