Career Interest & Assessment
After doing an assessment it matched me up with a number of jobs including Coach, Professional Athlete, and Sports Official. These jobs are absolutely the jobs I wanted mostly because they involve sports and teaching others how to play. One job I am surprised that I didn’t get matched up with was lawyer, being a lawyer was if not my favorite, my second favorite job; it’s my back-up plan behind sports. According to my assessment I am a tactile learner, which means I learn better hands-on, I agree with this because I believe I learn better from an activity compared to just taking notes or lecturing. This learning style kind of associate with the jobs I was matched up with because when you’re an athlete you mostly
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Sports coaches have to have a passion for that sport they’re coaching and the ability to communicate with everyone. It’s the coach's job to provide the training and exercises to help an athlete perform. Coaches’ work at all levels of sports and they work with lots of different people for example they may work at a middle school level, community level, or even the professional level in all different sports. To help athletes up their game, coaches have to build drills and conduct exercises. Using their knowledge in that sport, they can teach athletes to use the proper form and technique to help them perform better. Coaches’ also have to build a team’s strategy, to build a strategy coaches’ have to analyze their opponent and determine their weaknesses and their strong points before a match so the coach can critique his team and make them ready for that specific team, by calling specific plays and putting in specific players to make his team play their …show more content…
Some coaches do get a degree just to back up their coaching career for example a coach could get a degree in athletic training or physical therapy, but most coaches get their experience and knowledge from backing up more experienced coaches by being assistant coaches and following their lead. Some levels of coaching may require some things, for example if your coaching for school or at a high school level then you may need a degree or be a teacher, most school or part time coaches have knowledge in CPR most of the
Coaches need to have certain skills and knowledge to undertake the role. In my opinion a coach needs to be patient, supportive, interested, aware of others as well as self, attentive and perceptive. Such elements underpin effective coaching and a genuine interest in the person being coached.
Coaching basketball is about strategizing and directing the movements and actions of a basketball team or individual player. Coaches strategize and scout opposing teams and find ways to defeat them as easily as possible. A successful basketball coach needs to now the understanding of how to play the game. A basketball coach must be able to manage the duties of the job by recruiting the top players, get them in shape, make a team, motivate players and teach them how to play the game of basketball. Coaching is usually done by a single person, with the help of one or more assistants. A coach is the face of the team, helping it achieve the public relations goals of the organization and build a positive image that will improve recruiting. (Edmunds). A coach is responsibiable for setting up and an environment so that the team can use its skills and abilities to their full potential. Therefor a coach has to make a game plan for each game, so that his team will be ready for the next opponent. A coach has to know his team and the opponent abilities to be able to match his team up with the opponent. A coach must know to mix the players who can start right away and players he can develop into starters. A coach may want to put 12-15 players on the roster just in case of injuries. To get ready for the season the coach starts putting in offensive and defensive plays the will run and teach the players situational plays to fit the team style and running practices. During a game a coach has
Having a coach in life will positively influence your character and your skills. Also, having a coach doesn’t necessarily mean that your playing on a field. A coach can be anyone from a role model to a parent or guardian, a teacher, a pastor, a mentor, or sometimes even a best friend. One of the most important things for a coach to have is influence, and more important than that is that the influence he has on his players must be positive. As a leader, a coaches job is to better his players on and off of the field. This is done by developing the character of his players through encouragement and helping them understand that the game is more than just about winning. A good coach will always put the needs of his players first before he considers himself as a factor. If a coach is successful his players will develop a strong sense of self-motivation. This helps by allowing the player to
Sports management is a really broad field, therefore I decided to focus on my minor and one of my major interests of this field: coaching. In this paper I will be explaining my personal five building blocks that make up a well-rounded coaching philosophy and coach. Those blocks are; leadership, organization, attitude, respect, and resiliency. Each of these five aspects are equally important and balance each other out. Leadership, the action of leading a group of athletes towards a goal. Organization, being able to organize a team and have a plan in order to help the team achieve goals. Attitude, it is very important for a coach to have a winning and positive attitude that is contagious to the players. Respect, there has to be a good
I will inspire athletes to demonstrate good character. Sports do not have an influence on one’s character; however, coaches can strongly impact athletes’ character, both negatively and positively. For this reason, I will work to coach in ways that support the growth of athletes’ character and create learning opportunities and situations in which athletes can practice and learn from. As a coach, I will lead by example and demonstrate good character because actions speak louder than words. I will do this by embodying sportsmanship and respecting athletes, opponents, other coaches, and referees. I will also show this to athletes by respecting, caring, and being trustworthy. I will also lead by example by staying
Finally, outside influence plays a key role in determining athletic success. Athletes must be motivated to push away negative influences, peer pressure and what others want. It’s important to have a good coach who cares about the athlete’s success and hones his skills. Coaches can mold an athlete’s physical and mental maturity and play a critical role in helping develop the athlete while putting them in a better position to handle success.
Obviously, a coach is going to need to know how to play the sport that they are coaching. If a coach doesn’t know how to play, then what's the point of playing. You would be most likely to lose the game if you had a coach that didn’t know how to play the sport they are coaching. Your coach needs to know how to play whether you're playing softball, baseball, basketball, football, or any other sport because when you play sports, you always want to win the game no matter what right? Like national sports teams or college leagues, you want to play just as good or even better, so to be able to do that you have to have a good coach that can play the sport they are coaching.
Coaches should have sport specific skills as they need to understand certain technical aspects of the sport they are trying to teach. A coach needs to ensure that they have a good knowledge and understanding of their own sport and how the latest information in sport science can aid to develop performers, this is important so coaches can deliver demonstrations correctly and carry out good practice as if they were to demonstrate something wrongly then students could pick up bad habits by simply imitating and doing as their instructed. However if a coach is less knowledgeable in a particular area of sport they could use their transferable skills .
There are fundamental personal qualities, coaching competencies and skills that are needed to become a good coach.
The coach will portray that mistakes are not acceptable and the athletes should make as little mistakes as possible. The coach will also show that he/she does not have patience for the athletes that cannot pick up the skills quickly. The coach will condition them if they make mistakes. The coach will have a very loud strong voice, demanding, and intimidating attitude. The coach will enforce fundamentals and skills that the athlete will need to be successful in the sport.
Coaching, however challenging, is a great way to influence the lives of others while also building their character. For as long as there have been sports, there have been people teaching the sport to the players and making them better at it. Coaches must have certain qualities in order to obtain success. One must also look at a coach’s motivation for his job, his passion for what he does, his methods for coaching, and how he became a coach in order to fully understand him. There are many questions someone may want to ask a coach about his profession if they are interested in coaching. Some questions would include: Why did he choose this as a profession? How did he get into coaching? What does one have to do to get a job as a coach? How
A coach is designed to be a type of teacher that explains to kids important skills on how to succeed on and off the field. A coach “teaches his players about issues like time management and the importance of asking teammates and others for help” along with other important skills, according to the article “What Teachers Can Learn from Sports Coaches” (Barber 1). Besides the aforementioned importance of time management, one of the best things about a coach is the way he gets his players to be comfortable reaching out for help. It is important for students to be comfortable in approaching teachers and classmates when faced with a problem, and coaches encourage this in practices as well as games. In sports, each player on a team needs to be on the same page, so communication between teammates and coaches is crucial.
Research indicates that only 5-10% of youth sport coaches have not received any relevant training. Formal coaching education programs are a primary tool for transferring such information to new and developing coaches, while also ensuring that practicing coaches acquire and maintain the critical knowledge and skills standards set by their respective organization’s leadership ( NCACE. Quality Coaching Education.,
At their finest, coaches perfect their player’s flaws to push them to their potential ability, improve their skills, and create determination within the team. They can expand the importance of such a sport to intensify motivation and the value of good sportsmanship for the sake of not only their reputation, but the outcome that comes from it. Coaches must not lag when it comes to hardships that comes about; they must stay connected. The closer the connection between a player and a coach the better they are moving forward and continuing on the love of the sport and job.
When I think of coaching I think of practice planning, game planning, scouting strategizing of offense and defense, choosing my starters, little things like that. All of those ideas are valid, but that’s not the whole picture. There is a lot more to coaching than planning for a practice or a game. Many times a person who would like to coach an interschool athletic team has little or no preparation to teach sports skills and techniques. The only qualifications is often the person’s participation on his or her high school, college, or university’s team, coach of a community youth team or even perhaps as a professional player. While all that experience is valuable in one way or another, it does not constitute an adequate preparation for