1. This year in AP World History I expect to learn lots of new information about times and events that I’ve never been exposed to. I’m taking this course to help prepare myself for future AP classes, and to find out what all an AP class requires of me. I’m excited to challenge myself this year. Many, even most, classes I’ve taken come fairly easy to me, so having a class that will push me, and maybe frustrate me at times, will better myself in the long run. While that’s somewhat exciting, it’s also scary. Knowing that this class won’t be an easy “A” is something that I’m sure I will struggle with all year, I just hope that drives me to work harder. 2. I think the most interesting part of history is the people. Learning about different ways
All empires sought to foster an imperial identity that transcended more local identities and loyalties.
Chapter three labeled "Empire Urban life and imperial Majesty in Rome,China,and India. In Republican Rome a man named Romulus inaugurated traditional distinction between the patricians and the plebian. The patricians were the where the land owners who were also aristocrats that served as priests, magistrates, lawyers and/or judges. The plebian were the lower classed poor people who consisted of craftsmen, merchants and laborers. In 510 BCE the roman people expelled the last Etruscan kings and decided to rule themselves with without the need for a monarchy.
-Rome accepted inequality as well as institutionalizing and turning it into a system of mutual benefits.
Technologically, European exploration was pushed forward through the development of new technology such as the astrolabe, which was an instrument used for triangulation, location of celestial bodies, and finding the local time when given longitude as well as latitude. In addition, Europeans improved the compass, maritime maps, and the design of ships. The caravel, a small ship developed by the Portuguese, was used to navigate around the African and European coasts due to its maneuverability and fast speed. Politically, many rulers were drawn to exploration because of the discovery, pursuit for wealth (gold), and a way to harm the Islamic empires. For example, Prince Henry of Portugal organized expeditions to the African coast in the 15th century. In addition, Spain tried to make their naval force and
In the case of politics in Africa and India, both were completely different because of how they were ruled by the European nations. In Africa the natives thought they had political power, but the reality was that all politics, and decisions were made by the European’s. The natives thought that the leaders, and chiefs were making the decisions, but the indirect governing style the Europeans were using on their territories was to do exactly this. They tricked the public to keep the peace and avoided any revolts or rebellion from taking place in the country. The same cannot be said about India though. In India the direct governing style was in place. This meaning that all the previous leaders, and officials were replaced by the European officials,
How do major events and advances in technology affect different groups? In the 1800s, a transcontinental railroad was built. It connected the coasts of the US for the first time and, in the process, changed the lives of many. These changes, however, were both negative and positive. The railroad offered multiple benefits and opportunities to white settlers.
Constantine is best remembered in modern times for the Edict of Milan in 313, which fully legalized Christianity in the empire for the first time. Constantine’s edict gave Christians the right to openly practice their faith. Until then, they had met in the homes of fellow believers. Within a year of edit, Constantine ordered the building of churches throughout the empire. Although some Christians were very worried about the future of the churches if it became too close with the empire. The only people edit mentioned by name were the Christian, and the laws that came afterwards radically limited the rights of Jews as citizens of the Roman Empire.
There are major events that mark the beginning and end of this period. The period began at around 9000 B.C.E. when the popularity of agriculture grew. The domestication of animals like sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs began to appear within civilizations. The end of this period came at around 1000 B.C.E. when civilizations began focusing on strengthening their culture and politics. This took place once the civilizations did not have to devote all of their focus to staying alive.
“One of the most striking features of Indian societies at the time of the encounter with Europeans was their diversity.” Support this assertion with two clear examples.
Throughout history the role of women in Asia has changed drastically. In many areas, such as China, women were not treated socially, politically, economically, or culturally equal. China was a patriarchal society meaning that men had more power than women; this was mainly to do their Confucian beliefs. Politically, the literacy rates were much higher in males than in females; due to the fact that women were not allowed to receive an education. Additionally, a common tradition practiced by wealthy females was footbinding. Footbinding limited the physical abilities of women, ultimately making them dependent on males. Furthermore, economically, women could not own or inherit property as men could. Nonetheless, China was not the only Asian country where women were treated differently. The
It has been moments just before the start of the AP World History exam and my mind was already clouded with uncertainty. Utensil and sheet in front, my hands were trembling with fright, a cold sense in my chest, feet unstable as if suffering from an intense spasm. An immense pressure persisted within me as if drawing the weight of all my burdens. Looking around the environment felt frigid. A quick glance around saw faces of fellow comrades, each one fixated on the very same sheet in front of me. While five minutes had past, the familiar feelings of complete incompetence still persisted within me. I was unable to recall on my own proficiency: facts and concepts to which I spent months prior memorizing vigorously. Moreover, I was a sophomore taking my first AP exam, yet succumbing to the same old mental disintegration.
In the last year I've taken AP classes to prepare myself for college. I've taken AP World History and AP English 11, and this year I'm currently enrolled in AP US History. Furthermore, I'm enrolled in the dual enrollment program at largo high school; thus, I have already been exposed to a college learning environment. I have completed three college courses which are: Computer Hardware I, Introduction To Information Technology, and Philosophy. By taking these advanced placement courses and college courses I have prepared myself for the academic programs at Neumont
Several things about world history interest me while some things do not. I find learning about battles or wars to be very interesting. I also find how people lived long ago to be fascinating. However, I do not particularly enjoy learning about explorers and what they explored.
I would like to take AP European History because of my interest in social studies and my eagerness for a challenge. My interest in Social studies started when I was in the sixth grade and I made it into my school geography bee. Ever since then, I have had great teachers and have been fascinated by the material I learned each year. From this class I expect to take a class that prepares me to take other AP and Honors classes as an Upperclassman. If I am admitted to the class, I will contribute any answers, thoughts, or questions I might have so I and my classmates will better learn the material. I will be more than willing to put in the extra time and effort needed to not only get the A, but to go above and beyond the requirements of the