

Better Essays

Thinking back on my essays for this term, the revision process was extremely helpful. In my essays, I would occasionally have issues with phrasing or punctuation usage as well as developing my concepts and being able to express them clearly. Having others revise me essays helped me understand where I wasn’t being clear and helped me catch some bad sentence structures. Often, when peer reviewing, I would spend a lot of time and effort revising other’s essays, but get very little feedback in return. I would often have to review my own essay, which was actually beneficial because it gave me more time to focus on my concepts and think critically about my writing. For example, my argument essay was hard to understand because I had too wide of a subject. I didn’t realize this until I re-read my essay and thought about how everything was hard to connect. I ended up deleting about half of my paper and focusing in on a more specific aspect of my original topic, which helped the essay flow smoothly between my concepts and arguments. Professor Michell was a crucial part of my revision process. Because I didn’t get enough feedback from my peers, I still needed someone else to look over my essay and help me work through my issues. I found it extremely helpful that Professor Michell was open to looking over students essays with them. The feedback provided by her helped me express myself clearly, catch tricky punctuation issues, and connect and develop my concepts more fully.
When writing

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