
Reflective Reflection

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Over the past few weeks, I have noticed growth in awareness and understanding towards becoming a culturally responsive teacher. This includes me learning more about the many aspects and influences on what makes a teacher truly culturally responsive and developing on the knowledge that I already had.

As the weeks have progressed, one thing that I noticed was that I began incorporating more aspects to what I considered parts of being a culturally responsive teacher. Initially my idea was based more heavily around the ethnic origin, culture in terms of where you grew up and language. During my study I have added many more aspects such as values, values, education, faith, perceptions, family and friends. I have found that when I considered cultural responsiveness over the weeks, more and more important variables were adding themselves to what needs to be considered. I believe that I have experienced growth in the aspects of what I consider culture.

I also noticed that I could be more culturally responsive in my practice than I have been. In my practice so far, while I have attempted to put myself and some others through experiences to raise our cultural responsiveness, I could do more. I feel like my efforts so far have only been around the surface level of what I can accomplish and this is something that I will need to work on in future efforts. In some classes that I have taught, I have accommodated for multiculturalism and incorporated it in ways so that people become

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