
Real Age Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

While doing the real age test i scored a 16.8, which was only 1.6 younger than my actual age. Real age reccomended that i have a healthy breakfast every morning, because i dont usually eat breakfast in the morning.The healthy breakfast contains pleanty of fibber,healthful fats and protien. This includes, an egg,oj, bacon, yogurt, cereal,and if your in a rush,nuts in a bag, dried up fruit, cereal, low-fat gornola , or cheese and whole grain crackers.They also told me to avoid sweets because it can send your energy really high and then the energy ends up crashing halfway through the morning. Real age also recommended to vary the veggies i eat and to eat more nuts and less junk food.Lastly they recommended that i start taking vitiman D. Vitiman D is the "Live longer" subnutrient that will make you younger.Vitman D foods include, milk,eggs,fish,supplements.In the analysis i was sucessful in staying in touch with my friends , reaching friut, staying hooked on fish,sleeping, keeping up woth my cardio.The area that i would like to change is being around secondhand smoke. …show more content…

The chemicals inhaled nare arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide,many of these have been proven toxic or have been proven to cause

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