
Radish Sample Lab

Satisfactory Essays

The materials needed for the experiment include radish seeds, sand, a scale, paper towels, a graduated cylinder, a ruler, and plastic Ziploc bags. For the 4 experiments, 20 of the radish seeds were counted per experiment, for a total of 80 seeds. Then, the mass of each group of 20 seeds was measured. Then, the 3 experimental groups were shaken in a bag of sand. Sample A was shaken 5 times, Sample B was shaken 20 times and Sample C was shaken 40 times. For the Control group, the seeds were not shaken in a bag of sand. Then, for each of the 4 groups, a paper towel was folded in half, lined with the 20 seeds at the edge of the paper towel, and covered completely with approximately 12 milliliters of water. Then, the paper towels were rolled

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