
Radical Reform

Decent Essays

Physical education in 2030 in my eyes will have a radical reform for many reasons. I firmly believe that the change in physical education will happen because as time goes on more and more people can see the benefits of exercise for children. I believe that a major problem with physical education today is that there are so many schoolyard games like dodge ball and kick ball that have been brought into the physical education classes. Games like these ones turn many students away from Physical Education class because they are aggressive and very competitive. Although this “bad PE” has been around for so many years the turnaround will come because the newly educated and those like myself who are currently being educated will end up taking the subject and turning it around. In order for there to be a …show more content…

Physical Education offers students the knowledge of physical activity and exercise. With these things comes so many opportunities like being able to prepare ones self for a future full of health and well-being (JOPERD “Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs…”, 9). The goal of physical education which if successful will achieve five standards. Standard number five states that “the physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction” (National standards). This standard proves that the future of the student’s health starts in Physical Education and once the educators start enforcing this standard better the future of physical education is change drastically. There will be a complete turnaround because the profession of teaching as a whole will start realizing what the mission of Physical is not just to have kids run around but to give the knowledge and skills to be physically literate in their

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