
RMV Recruitment Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

One thing I would like to see improved in our chapter is the feeling of inclusiveness and confidence in our overall campus presence and throughout the weeks of recruitment. In order to do this as RMVP, I believe that it begins with strength in preparation and leading by example. I would strive to work with the FRC in order to host workshops Spring quarter and throughout polish week that are engaging for recruiters, tab team, and day chair as well as serve to prepare all chapter members for recruitment. One idea that I have for recruitment workshops is creating situations of real life PNMS by using cards with descriptions setting up a true conversation between the practice PNM and the recruiter. The practice PNM would have a card with an attitude description; one that determines the depth of information that they will indulge in conversation. The recruiter would have a card with a question on it and information that they need to find out about the PNM to accurately rate them abiding by the needs assessment. The goal would be to familiarize all members with the process, and to maintain our chapter’s strength in sisterhood before the summer break approaches and the weeks heading in to recruitment. Having experienced recruitment from the recruiter’s side twice, I have been able to see what has and has not worked for the recruitment teams and have hands on experience with the receptiveness of our chapter, keeping that in mind for creating purposeful lessons/guides for all members.

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