
Public Service Vs Traditional Public Services Essay

Decent Essays

Governments every were are seeking new ways of reinventing their personnel systems to meet rising challenges in the way public service is delivered ,this need has given birth to a set of contemporary systems and these new systems are impacting the traditional civil service system and the way public services are delivered. The aim of these changes is to; Reduce the role of government and the number of public employees by using alternative organizations or mechanisms for providing public services and to increase the flexibility of employment relationships for the public employee that remain . Although these alternatives are not new, they are however becoming common and these new alternatives are taking over the traditional public system of the …show more content…

The previous assumption was that public servants would deliver public service that most private organizations are not equipped to handle, working within a structured agency and budgeted with appropriate funds, but alas this isn’t so anymore, the call for efficiency and accountability with fast and cheaper labor, have had civil service seeking alternative means of meeting public needs. Public programs are being performed by alternative organizations (nonprofit or contacted out), even when public servants are used; they are more often than not contingent workers with flexible employment and not protected by collective bargaining or enjoy benefits that are entitled to civil service workers (job security, pension etc.). Over the years different states have adopted managerial systems to suit their needs, some have achieved success and some have failed, below I have listed some that are still being …show more content…

The increased use of temporary, part-time and seasonal workers and the increased hiring of exempt employee through employment contracts. Employers are reducing cost and enhance flexibility by meeting the minimal staffing requirements through permanent employees and hiring temporary, seasonal and part-time workers to meet peak workload( these positions are usually low paid, no benefit and are fired at will employees), which requires minimal skills, and when skills are required such jobs are contracted out to avoid save money . Exempt positions means funds must be available before such positions are filled, they are not classified within the civil service system, the terms and conditions of these positions are specified through a contract listing pay and benefits and limiting the terms of employment, they can be fired at will in the event of a change in management or disagreement, this also means contract can be renewed or denied. This managerial flexibility allows for agencies to reduce their overhead expenses without having to deal with civil service regulations and collective bargaining and union issues.
2. Change in role of HR administration- In the civil service system the role of the HR administrator is technical, record keeping and processing personnel issues but the alternative personnel system have brought about a change in the job description of an administrator in that he is now involved in brokering of deals and mediating of conflicts among competing personnel systems.

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