Man's best friend cannot thrive in current urban environments. Muscatine, Iowa should build a public off-leash dog park for the city's dogs and dog owners, as its creation solves canine behavioral and health issues and pet owner struggles. Communities can be better as a whole after the introduction of a dog park.
Just like humans, dogs have needs to be met. As social creatures, dogs and people have to interact with other members of their species to remain healthy and happy. When dogs aren't able to socialize, they become distressed, bored, and defensive. Dogs raised in the isolation of cities don't know how to act around other dogs or people, so they may feel threatened or become defensive of their owners. "When New York City started allowing dogs off-leash in dog parks, dog-bite reports went from
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Owners must take similar routes every day while their dogs step on concrete and relieve themselves on neighbors' lawns. Dog parks give places for dogs to enjoy nature in the form of dirt or grass, which is far more pleasant to visit for both owners and dogs. Pet owners have many dillemas when trying to meet their pet's needs. Going to a dog park can fix common illegal actions done by owners, including not cleaning up excrement and letting dogs loose in unapproved, unsafe areas. Proponents of dog parks frequently say that it is a burden on those who do not have a dog, and suggest that owners should be more responsible--owning a dog is an optional, personal decision. Like dogs, children are a responsibility that people can decide to have, but parents do not have to fight to give their children a park. Regular parks and dog parks increase nearby property value. Just as dogs are typically viewed as a given in human society, dog parks could be a given as well. If dog parks are normalized, opposition would dissapear while burdens become
A thriving natural area filled with positive energy can help a community, as well. In fact, New York City's rate of dog bites dropped to 10% of its previous number with correllation to its off-leash park policy. Social interaction with other dogs is essential to a dog's mental state. It can even be positively influential for a human to have shared time with a dog. Studies show that owners of dogs have reported feeling more fulfilled in their lives than both people without pets and people with less interactive pets such as cats or small animals. Dogs deserve recompensation for the ways they help us feel better every day, and a park is a small
Families that use off-leash dog parks are able to thoroughly help and develop their dogs for a better life. Off-leash dog parks allow both pets and owners to learn and grow through exercising and socializing without constant worry of infringing someone else rights. It benefits dogs as they are given adequate space to run and use as an outlet meanwhile, recognizing certain behaviors of more respectable and mature pets through socializing. Properly exercising dogs allow them to relieve tension and unbend; this potentially changes them from being noisy and irritable into more quite and friendlier animals. There have been numerous accounts within my neighborhood where the local residents have filed noise complaints on local dog owners. In the recent study, “On the Fence: Dog Parks in the (Un)Leashing of Community and Social Capital,” authors Taryn Graham and Troy Glover of the
Dog parks benifit the community. While some may not see the benifit in building a dog park, it brings several positive affects for dog and none dog owners. Some benifits to having a dog park in the comunity include; safer conditions for the people in this comunity that may be in contact with local dogs, increases in perspective home owners as well as an increase in property demand in area's near dog parks.
I strongly understand that some people are for having a dog park for their neighborhood and some people are against having a dog park. Both parties describe a valuable point toward the situations. I believe that it is possible to build a dog park and still make both parties happy.
While some people are seeing the negative effects of having dog parks, there is solutions to each of them. Before bringing dogs intio the park, be sure that they are trained to be obedient. They should know to come when called by their owner. They should be trained to not be aggressive towards another dog or person. A solution applying towards the costs of building dog parks could be creating fundraisers and donations from those who praise this topic.
A good dog is a tired dog. In the city of Muscatine, Iowa there are lots of dogs. Dogs that are in need of exercise, off leash training, and dog to dog interaction. A dog park would boost the property values in the community being a benefit to everyone. A off leash dog park would help the dogs mentaly as much as physicaly less proptery damage less in home barking disturbeing other residents in the apartment.
Other people may feel very different about dogs. They may feel like going to the park to relax with out any animals around, and to get away from other people. Many people feel like having dog parks will affect the tax payers money. Which it
Muscatine, Iowa, do not build a dog park! Building a dog park would endanger the lives of your people living in the city. Pets are their owner's responsibility and dogs are loud. A dog park would drive home owners away.
The discusion between people for the dog park and not for the dog park,Its simple to me. Although the city may need a dog park i see the views of both.Dogs need area,to run and play to burn off all there energy ,and yes!they wiil tear your house up for not enough attention causing them to bark and carry about.The barking is annoying,it does drive me crazy,the rambunciousness does aswell.Now bad behavior in a dog is just the owners lack of teaching the animal proper manners!I as a dog owner love and care about my dog,she is my best freind and i would love other people to be around my dog.A dog park would be the perfect place for families with well behaved dogs to come and play together.For the people who would not be able to stand a yelling
Living in the city can sometimes become hard or stressful for a pet owner. We love our pets and we want them to be happy and heathy but space can be limited. This is why our city desperatly needs a dog park. It is against state ordinance for any dog to be out in public without a leash. So our dogs are mostly restricted to brief walks and limited play.
But, I can understand some people’s desire for a public dog park. They wouldn’t have to keep their dog on a leash at all times & could socialize with others. Nevertheless, it is not the cities fault or the taxpayers that you own a dog in a place where it has little free space. People should take into account their living environment (future or current) and determine if the atmosphere is right for a dog. Personally, I live in a neighborhood of countless dogs. There is the common disturbance of barking, but the dogs stay in their yards. The owners are responsible and keep their dogs well trained. This is not to say that residents in the city do not do this as well, but the difference is the space. And, my family does not own any pets for the sole reason of how much work they are. They need to be fed, played with, walked, and taken out constantly. But if we decided to own one, it would be better in our current residence and not the city.
Many people, including myself, agree with the idea of dog parks. There are so many issues that can and will be fixed with the addition of an extra space for dogs to roam free without fear of being hurt. this topic can be touchy for those who do not own dogs and those who will not support something that does not benefit them. I will explain my arguments in the following paragraphs.
Dogs are very similar to humans, in the sense that they also need to mentally and physically healthy. a dog park will give them a safe place to excercise and socialize with other dogs. If a dog does not have access to this it make act out by barking and throwing tantrums and home disturbing not only the owner of the dog but disturbing the peace of the neighborhood.
I believe that they should put in a dog park because it helps the other side of the augument and hers a few raesons why. With out a dog park people and need to use there cramped up city back yards to do all there business and there isnt that much space for a dog that just wants to run. Also if there isnt a dog park other dogs cant socialize with each other making them more afraid or angery of each other causeing fights just because they cant be around other dogs or get the energy and space they need. Also this bad behavor or dogs cause may lead them to the shelters or put down and it your fault not the dogs. Putting in a dog park would benifit are city because people who have dogs will look for a city with dog parks and would want move here
I believe that public dog parks should be built in cities, only because there would be less dog attacks on people and other dogs in the neighborhood.