
Public Off-Leash Dog Park In Urban Places

Decent Essays

Man's best friend cannot thrive in current urban environments. Muscatine, Iowa should build a public off-leash dog park for the city's dogs and dog owners, as its creation solves canine behavioral and health issues and pet owner struggles. Communities can be better as a whole after the introduction of a dog park.
Just like humans, dogs have needs to be met. As social creatures, dogs and people have to interact with other members of their species to remain healthy and happy. When dogs aren't able to socialize, they become distressed, bored, and defensive. Dogs raised in the isolation of cities don't know how to act around other dogs or people, so they may feel threatened or become defensive of their owners. "When New York City started allowing dogs off-leash in dog parks, dog-bite reports went from …show more content…

Owners must take similar routes every day while their dogs step on concrete and relieve themselves on neighbors' lawns. Dog parks give places for dogs to enjoy nature in the form of dirt or grass, which is far more pleasant to visit for both owners and dogs. Pet owners have many dillemas when trying to meet their pet's needs. Going to a dog park can fix common illegal actions done by owners, including not cleaning up excrement and letting dogs loose in unapproved, unsafe areas. Proponents of dog parks frequently say that it is a burden on those who do not have a dog, and suggest that owners should be more responsible--owning a dog is an optional, personal decision. Like dogs, children are a responsibility that people can decide to have, but parents do not have to fight to give their children a park. Regular parks and dog parks increase nearby property value. Just as dogs are typically viewed as a given in human society, dog parks could be a given as well. If dog parks are normalized, opposition would dissapear while burdens become

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