
Pt1420 Unit 6

Decent Essays

Days of the week Activities during the week Thursday 12/22/2016 I arranged all my work to their respective folders and files, read the learning guide, read part of the reading material (Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus) again to gain a better understanding ) and watched couples of videos relating to the sampling distribution to gain a better understanding of the topic. I also graded my peer’s unit 6 written assignments. Friday 12/23/2016 I read the chapter 7 of the Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus) again to gain a better understanding and the Math1280notes.pdf. Saturday 12/24/2016 N/A Sunday 12/25/2016 I submitted the discussion assignment. Monday 12/26/2016 I had a first attempt on …show more content…

(Yakir, 2011, p. 73) b) What is the Law of Large Numbers? ________ Answer: The law of large numbers, according to Yakir (2011) is the principle of probability that defines the sampling distribution of the average or mean for large samples. The more the number of trials increases, the more the actual proportion of events converges on the hypothetical ratio of outcomes. (p. 115-116) 3) Describe in your own words (do not directly quote any source) the difference between the distribution of a sample and the sampling distribution. Use an example in which the original population has a binomial distribution. You will probably use concepts from the book or another source, so be sure to cite any concepts that come from such sources (even if you paraphrase). Answer: Sampling distribution of a sample statistics is the hypothetical distribution of the sample statistics of interest for a random sample, whereas the distribution of a sample is the probabilistic distribution of the ideas in the sample. The sampling distribution indicates how likely it is to get some definite sample when one draws a large amount of samples and the distribution of a sample shows how possible it is to get a particular data in a single random

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