
Pros And Consequences Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence talks about every person should be able to live a free life but there are many things that happen that people believe contradicts this thought of freedom such as the Death Penalty and The Draft. The death penalty is a punishment that should be usable for certain situations. Also the draft is something that should b in action but some changes should be made in order to make it fair for everyone. The Articles by The Washington Post, cuadp, The Economist, and The Legal Beagle all help support the reasoning behind the following paper. If I were Tim O’Brien from The Things They Carried, I would have gone and done my time in the war and not attempted to skip the draft. No matter what people believe, America is a free place to live where you can do what you please and pursue what makes you happy
Firstly, the death penalty is a punishment which should be put in use in cases where there is a death toll of 5 or more people (excluding manslaughter). The reason for this is because there are many forms of punishments aside from the …show more content…

The Gov should be able to do so because if you live in a free country and its way of life is threatened you should be responsible for protecting that right in order to keep it. Every Man and Woman above the age of 21 should be eligible for the draft. This is because both men and women are capable of being soldiers and also not everyone who is drafted will become a soldier because there are many jobs in the military field that are important to the safety of the nation. The age should be moved up from 18 to 21 because 18 is too young to be sent off to fight. “Behavioural research since time immemorial shows that teenagers are prone to doing ridiculously ill-advised things, particularly under the influence of peer pressure”(The Economist 1). Although 21 is still a young age you are more mature and your brain is more developed by this

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