
Professional Development Document Essay

Satisfactory Essays

This artifact is a certificate for professional develop focused in AP and Pre - AP United States History for six developmental hours. At the professional develop workshop the instructor covered various teaching methods to generate students into becoming motivated in United States History. Also, at the workshop, new skilled were develop to teach, analyze, and interpret document based questions, political cartoons, and thesis statements. This workshop was an excellent source of experience teachers with mulitple methods to learn and possibly adapt to my own classroom. Furthermore, the workshop developed the leadership skills necessary to teach any advance placement course.

InTASC standard 10 is that the teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. This artifact alligns with standard 10, becasue leadership needs constant development. The AP workshop gathered numerous experienced teacher that were able to pass along professional tools of the trade to younger more experienced educators. This interactive environment of experienced teachers from across the state allowed different perspectives from rural and urban schools, each suited with thier own problems and assests. Teachers are always learning and adapting new skills in order to transfer those skills to students; That process of professional …show more content…

The AP workshop allows for the professional growth from more experienced teachers, which gave interesting tools and skills to utilze. The use of the new skills in the classroom allows for students to learn in more ways than were present before the workshop. Leadership is a trait gained through practice and experimentation, which was adovcated during the AP

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