
Professional Development And Continuous Learning

Decent Essays


This Policy stems from the view that professional development and continuous learning are necessary to maintain the quality of the University staff and their continued readiness and ability to contribute effectively to the mission and goals of the University.
"Policy" is not a firmly characterized idea but rather a profoundly adaptable one, utilized as a part of distinctive courses on diverse events.
• A particular choice or set of choices intended to complete such a strategy.

Policy Procedure
Individual staff members, managers and the University share the responsibility for staff development.
• Staff members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work-related learning and career development. They are also encouraged to assist others in their development.
• The University is responsible for providing opportunities, resources and tools so that staff can become competent in their roles and achieve their career aspirations.
Identifying development needs
A staff member’s learning and development needs are primarily identified through the performance cycle and are captured in the staff member’s Performance Workplan.
Recognizing learning and improvement needs depends on a formal or casual evaluation of winning levels of abilities, mentalities and information, and on any present or foreseen crevices. Such an investigation will empower choices about what realizing procurements are required at individual, group or hierarchical level. These

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