
Post Traumatic Brain Injury Analysis

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Collisions occur in sport activities, automobile accidents, and military combat commonly cause repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) (1). Repetitive mTBI is often associated with neurodegenerative disorders affecting cognition as well as behaviors exhibited in patients (5). Diffuse axonal injury is typically observed using diffusion tensor imaging (1). Impairment of brain communication resulting from axonal structures damage associated with mTBI may alter the neurological network, which in turn affecting individual’s behaviors (2). Anxiety disorders are heritable and genetic factors also attribute in part to determine individual’s behavior in response to stressful situations (3). While environmental stressors can intensify these psychological responses, …show more content…

Although the understanding of mTBI pathophysiology is incomplete, it is suggested that anxiety disorder have generally linked to the abnormalities in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (1). As a result, multiple animal models have been used to test different behavioral outcomes to evaluate the pathological effects cause by the injury model (4). While other experiments test anxiety behavior by exposing rodents to varying conditioned stimuli like electric shock or loud noises, the elevated plus maze (EPM) rely upon unconditioned fear of height and open spaces (P). Thus, the elevated plus maze is normally used to assess rodents’ innate anxiety (4). EPM also facilitates in assessing “anxiogenic drugs” as well as “anxiolytic drugs” of multiple pharmacological agents. However, methodological differences in “age, strain, or sex of the subjects includes housing or testing conditions” often attribute to the inconsistent outcomes (4). In this experiment, EPM is the primary animal model use to determine anxiety levels in induced repetitive mTBI female mice as compared to sham

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