
Post Traumatic Brain Injuries

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War comes with many injuries some physical and some invisible more often in this society the invisible wounds could take a short time to show or an extended time. Along the path another war is fought in the homes while the invisible injuries are taking their tole on the individual many more casualties come from the act of war and they did not even deploy. Other victims of war include citizens of war torn countries, who are often affected both psychologically as well as physically. Mother and fathers sent to war, away from their children unable to form a relationship. Marriages broken apart, The man left alone trying to cope with his own injuries. These things change a man, it changes his outlook on life making it challenging to complete everyday …show more content…

No one knows at this point. The soldier, an army staff sergeant, seems to have acted alone, and he turned himself into authorities after the shooting rampage. What we do know is that he had been deployed to iraq in 2010. Despite being diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, he was found fit for duty” It has been determined that traumatic brain injury has been one of the main psychological effects of the war, as well as posttraumatic stress disorder. Traumatic brain injury is classified into two categories mild and severe. Common effects from traumatic brain injuries are cognitive problems such as headache, difficulty thinking, memory problems, attention deficits, mood swings, and frustration. Many of these injuries are commonly overlooked. The effects of traumatic brain injury mild or severe may have devastating effects on the family and the injured person. Posttraumatic stress disorder or commonly know as PTSD, is a feeling when one has experienced or witnessed live threatening events. Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks and nightmares, emotional numbness and avoidance, difficulty sleeping and concentrating, feeling jumpy, and being easily triggered. Traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder have alike symptoms often medical professionals misdiagnose or fail to diagnose the individual in a timely manner. “Often a true war story there is not even a …show more content…

There is a deep and direct connection between the war trauma and the working of that individual's society and environment. Returning from war they do not feel like themselves. They feel out of place, as if they do not belong and they need to justify their acts. They try to form bonds together trying to build for themselves inner peace with that they did was right. An individual's world becomes an far more dangerous place everyday. Every sound, every sudden movement, every flash of light, every sudden word becomes a message of doom, like a bullet. When they are faced with events which trigger their danger response they got to their safe place trying to forget their past suffering. “Whenever i walk out the door and enter the crowded world, i can feel my heart race in rapid speed, and my vision will blur with my mind in its heels, and i will find it hard to breathe because what if all those people can see how i feel. It's like a target on my back, who can see me is not up to me and it's frustrating because the un-known in each day is killing me”(BGT, 2013). They walk into the world unknowing of what could happen to trigger them. Their anxiety raises, they cannot face it so some hide from the world in isolation.”The intercom squeaked and said “order”.”mama burger and fries,” Norman Bowker said. “Affirmative, copy clear. No rootie-tootie? “Rootie-tootie?” “ You

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