
Political Policies Inhibit Religious Freedom In Fidel Castro's Cuba

Decent Essays

To what extent did restrictive political policies inhibit religious freedom in Fidel Castro’s Cuba?

From 1959 to1991 political policies in Cuba under Fidel Castro had prohibited religious freedom. This paper will debate the extent to which these restrictive political policies inhibited religious freedom. The reason why this essay is going to be mostly concentrated in Christianity is because the majority of the population in Cuba were Christians, primarily Roman Catholics. The Cuban society has a population that comes from mostly Spanish and African origins, and that’s why some liked to practice other religions that come from African slaves. Most of the evidence and sources that were used to answer this question were books, all of these books gave different perspectives and point of views to examine different …show more content…

According to Reinaldo L. Román, the popular press considered other religions liked Santería and Yoruba to be "a plague of superstition”. In Cuba’s legal system there were some civil and political rights that were not permitted, like the freedom of assembly, expression, economic, social right, and the most important one, religion. In 1962, Fidel Castro believed that Catholic schools were going to distribute dangerous beliefs to the society, so he decided to seize and close down more than 400 of the schools, including the Jesuit high school that he and his brother, Raul Castro, attended. According to the Roman Catholic Church records, in the 1969s 60 percent of the population in Cuba were Catholic, but out of that 60 percent only 5 percent were attending mass regularly and practiced their religion since they were not allowed to by the government and some Cubans were scared of what may

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