
Politica Political Corruption

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The modern period of literature was a conglomerate of emotion and feeling from many different aspects of everyday life. The art, many of which came from the Harlem Renaissance, embodied the struggle to make ends meet in the newly industrialized cities. Literature broke the floodgates on exposing some of the greatest scandals and power struggles ever faced in this nation. Poetry was the unheard voice championing the early civil rights movement, long before Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X were even in elementary school. With these great accomplishments came some of the longest lasting impressions on today’s literature and culture. Today, just the same as at the turn of the century, the wealthy are unaware of how truly destitute the working class is becoming, let alone the poverty stricken. Art, then and now, sheds light on the darkest corners of our nation that have been mostly unseen. Taking their lead from the first modern artists, people are demonstrating just how desperate times are through creative works. …show more content…

The use of literary devices to battle corruption head on has not been commonplace for nearly as long. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that journalists and other writers used magazines and books to prove there was corruption and filth behind some of the largest, most dominating corporations and political rings. Today, it is taken for granted that there is always some journalist out there researching for the common good of the people. That practice began not too long ago by some writers who didn’t know if they would live to see another day after publishing their works. Thanks to them, it is possible today to safely uncover corruption without the threat of

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