
Heaney Vs King

Decent Essays

Literature is an incredibly effective way for writers to express their thoughts and comment on the issues relevant to their lives personally as well as society as a whole. Each genre presents a different way to convey a writer’s ideas. The purpose of a formal speech is to comment on an important topic in society that’s causing concern. Frequently utilized by respected civil rights activist Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his genre is used to inform, persuade, entertain or incite action on this particular subject. Poetry as employed by Irish Catholic poet, Seamus Heaney, captures a writer’s ideas and life experiences for readers to find significance in the way they present them. Dr. King’s use of formal speech as well as Seamus Heaney’s poetry reveal the …show more content…

Both writers highlight the injustices those in power impose on the oppressed: Heaney’s poem “The First Kingdom” comments on the evils of British imperialism affecting Ireland while Dr. King comments on racial injustices in America in his speech, “Our God is Marching On”. Dr. King and Heaney both comment on societal injustices on the basis of being viewed as

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