
Poem Shadow Literary Devices

Satisfactory Essays

Before this unit, I only knew t owrite as my mind told me to, not knowing the tolls andeveices i could use to express myself in a poem even more than I do already. Although having the knowledge of these tools, like metaphors and personification, I did not know to and how to insert these into my poems. In my old poem, “Shadow”, I have none of the devices mentioned in class, making it duller and more boring than what it could be. Other than the devices, I didnt use any fixed rule of line-breaking nor white space, creating an uninteresting poem for the reader. After the recognition of hte literary devices and tehniques, I rewrote the poem to inlcude those devices. Alsot titled Shadow, my new poem included many devices, along with other poem techniques. Using these added depth to the poem, and made it interesting and feel relatable, with the new elements in the poem. The learning and recognition of the devices and techniques were completely new to me helping to create a much better poem to read and feel. …show more content…

Even after reading poems like “Airplane Surprise”, I never thought deep of why the author wrote how he or she did, which all in all made me struggle, for I had to learn everything from step 1. Without the knowledge of line breaks, white space, and the usage of any devices iin a poem, that lack of prior knowledge still hinders me from writing a good of a poem as I could. With my knowledge now, I can learn from “Airplane Suprise” how to use line breaks and white space effiecently and effectively. Again, without prior knowledge in this unit, I struggled and had a hard time learning everything from

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