
Persuasive Essay On Liberal Arts Education

Decent Essays

Colleges are struggling to adapt to society’s changing requirements for adults entering the work force. John Fawell laments this change and states that humans intrinsically desire to learn more for the purpose of knowing more. However, the focus has shifted away from this and has become more career-oriented. This shift is not well supported in the current college system. The education system is aware of this change and some have modified their programs, but they are too narrow and a broad college education is lost. Even though it has become almost mandatory in society, a college degree does not prepare students for a real-world work environment and is not necessary for most occupations. Many, such as lawyers or doctors, do require further education and a system that instructs them while also training the majority of the workforce would be an improvement. In her article, “How Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Programs Prepare Students for the Workforce and for Life,” Maureen Murphy Nutting argues that a liberal arts education is necessary to prepare adults for the work force. Evidence is provided to support the need of a liberal arts education and she even points to specific schools who are implementing this well. One particular example is Montgomery College in Washington, which has an honors program where “virtually all” of the graduates have “moved directly to 4-year colleges,” which is incredible, however, she does not mention what the focus of the degrees are or what

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