
Persuasive Essay On How To Kill Time

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Everyone has their own time wasters that they use to, well, kill time. We utilize our phones, read a novel, sit in a coffee shop; anything to make the time tick away faster than it already is. What if one day you wanted some variation to your time wasting? Nothing drastic, but something a little offbeat from your daily schedule. Your day-to-day schedule alone can be a superb time waster, yes, but what if you're only trying to make an hour or two go by? Well, my friend, there are other activities that you can invest in that you've probably done in your life already! Here are three steps that you can go through to aid along with improving your lifestyle pattern that you've refined as a young adult. You can choose to follow these or just keep doing what you've become accustomed to. It's your life, not mine. You choose how to live it. Step 1) Let's present a scenario: Say you're trying to use your phone less because it's becoming an unhealthy addiction. One of the things you could do to help start this new habit is to put down your phone when you would most likely use it to pass the time. Everyone can whip out their phone whenever they please just to mindlessly go through social media, but you don't want to be like that anymore! Yes, it is one of the easiest things to do when you're away from home, mainly because of how convenient and portable it is, but there are other means of objects that you can use in replacement of your phone. I'm not saying to not bring your phone; bring

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