
Persuasive Essay On Foster Care

Decent Essays

Foster Care, the Need for Change
Since the 1970’s, many debates and arguments have formed over the problems in the Florida foster care system. Some of the arguments were made as to whether different races should become foster families or whether or not is was suitable for gay couples to foster children. Another issue that arose was the children with special needs or older children that people didn’t want. As the foster system grew, it began to experience setbacks. There were now more children needing homes than available homes. The foster care system became full of problems. Foster parents started to complain about not having an adequate support system. The children were not receiving the medical treatments they needed. And foster children were staying in the system so long that some were aging out. Those that age out a were not receiving any support or training to cope with adult life. There was also a shortage in funding. In addition, there had become an alarming number of child abuse and neglect cases within the foster families. Although some aspects of foster care have improved, some changes still need to be made.
By 2017, the foster care system has made vast improvements to the program. According to Denise Webb, Unit Manager for Families First Network in Pensacola, “There are more
Douglas 2 outside agencies that now work side by side with Foster care to assist when needed.” (Webb) Some of those agencies are Guardian Ad Litems, to speak on the child’s behalf in their

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