
Personality Test : My Personality Type

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According to the Jung Personality Test, my personality type would be referred to as INFJ. This stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. There are many different types of personality types; however, INFJ is noted to be the rarest of them all. While all of us can have certain traits of all letters, for example, an individual who is an introvert can also have some extrovert tendencies, this personality tests gives us an accurate assessment of our most pronounced traits. Each letter stands for a different aspect of my personality such as how we deal with others, how we gather information and make decisions, and our attitude towards others. A better understanding of a person’s personality type will help that person analyze his/her own behavior, but also recognize possible weaknesses associated with that personality. Recognizing personality weaknesses is the key to becoming a better person, friend, co-worker, and manager. Very good Step 1 - My Personality Type - INFJGood use of headings; Personality was defined by Gordon Allport, an American psychologist, as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment” (Robbins & Judge, 2009). This is a minor thing but check your spaces A simpler definition is how an individual reacts to and interacts with others as a whole (Robbins & Judge, 2009).

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