
Personal Statement: A Career As An Assistant

Satisfactory Essays

My mother, the person who gave me everything she had to offer at a moment's notice. Her needs and dreams, at one point firmly desired were set aside for my well-being. Countless years and precious time given to my siblings and me for our development into young adults. The feeling of debt is vast and with that the idea of giving my mother another opportunity towards her absent dreams seemed wise. My decision of enrolling my mother as a student at delta college has restored her hopes and a smile which noticeably displays it. Brief elated moments from my mother are more than satisfactory for me and my family. Her arrival from school is always interesting when she conveys the information she reviewed in class. Now that I am progressing as a student along with my mother the support I can provide is invaluable. I’m incapable of offering her what was given to me but the pursuit of her own education alongside her children is a good start I believe. As we continue the pursuit for our goals together, reaching and achieving them will have that much more meaning. To become a preschool teacher or an assistant is the thought my mother has held in her mind for some time. Being able to achieve my goal of becoming an Electrical Engineer as well as my sister’s major of Nursing alongside her would mean everything to her. In the end the debt my siblings and I owe is too great and the things we do can’t begin to describe how much we appreciate what she’s done for us.

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