
Personal Narrative: What Makes Up Our Identity

Satisfactory Essays

What makes up our identity?This question has been asked for a really long time that some have attempted to answer but often look at the wrong things that make up our identity.Some people have thought that what makes up our identity are the different important times in our life.Though what really makes up our identity are the 7 categories of otherness.The 7 categories of otherness are race, sexual orientation, age, religion, able- bodied, gender and finally socio-economic. In my identity collage I showed five of the categories of otherness which were race, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic, and religion, these categories show who I truly am.This collage will help others not have a single story of me, which means that they won't see me as one thing.Now because of the college they will have a full idea of who I am.

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