
Personal Narrative: Personal Identity

Decent Essays

I grew up in rural Indiana with three brothers. Our family was a little different than most because all of us children had been adopted. The oldest of us, Andy, was two years older and had cystic fibrosis which meant he probably wouldn’t live to be 30 or more. The remaining three of us were biologically brothers. Triplets in fact. Our parents adopted all three of us together for some brave reason. I used to joke that there was a buy one get two free sale at the adoption agency and that I was the only one they actually wanted. It was never hidden from us that we were adopted, but it always left me feeling that I didn’t quite belong in certain family functions. I wanted to feel like I belonged in my environment. The military …show more content…

Growing up a triplet can make it difficult to do this. My parents would more or less color code us with clothing to help tell us apart. As a result of the color coding blue became my favorite color by default. I really didn’t get along with my brothers much until we were older. For much of my youth I was a loner amongst my brothers. Looking back now I see that being a loner actually helped develop my independence. The reality and frailty of life hit us when my older brother was diagnosed with Leukemia. While he was going through treatment my mom was also diagnosed with cancer. With all these major events going on I lost sight of what I wanted and instead found myself hanging out with the wrong people and doing things that were counterproductive to my goal of serving. Over time I was able to get myself back on track and refocus on what I wanted from …show more content…

Through my Uncle it was worked out that his friend would give me an M.R.I. for only 600 dollars. I had the M.R.I. done and sent it down to M.E.P.S. Within two weeks I was sent down to M.E.P.S. to see an orthopedic doctor. I spoke with him for about 10-15 minutes about how I’ve improved my shoulder without having surgery. I told him that I had been exercising and could even do one armed pushups. He seemed surprised by my answer and wanted me to do some pushups as proof. I did three or four before he told me to get up and told me “well if you can do that with it, I don’t see why you couldn’t do anything else.” He signed off on my paperwork approving my medical

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