
Personal Narrative: My Year With Rasmussen

Decent Essays

This year with Rasmussen has been a blast. There have been some bad and good moments throughout the school year. I will always remember how to use a comma, tier words and how to write an essay. These will be helpful in my future. There are many memorable learning skills that I have learned but there are also many things we could work on like making our groups more diverse, having more tests review and having an open class discussion for more opinions to be expressed. In this class there is always need for improvement, but also there are valuable learning skills that will be cherished.

Comma use has always been a struggle for me but as of this year I have really understood the rules of when to use each type of comma. Rasmussen demonstrated …show more content…

As of this year, I have learned how to use tier three words in my writing. I did not know what tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 words were before taking this class. A big part of learning how to expand my vocabulary was writing essays throughout the year. I learned that making stories interesting is what really grabs readers attention and makes them want to continue reading. What helped me change my use of vocabulary to make my stories worth reading for others? I made a list of words that all mean the same thing, then used the one that added life to the story or would drives the reader to keep reading. I can now go into interviews and talk to professionals with a larger vocabulary. This year, learning to expand my word choices has improved my writing and how I present myself has become better than it has ever …show more content…

I really worked hard to learn how to format an essay. It is a big factor in learning how to write an essay. What is the format? The format of an essay starts with a paragraph that introduces the topic. The next part is to continue with the body of the paper. It is used to introduce what you will be talking about with evidence, and analysis. The final sentence is used to wrap up the end of that paragraph. The last step is your concluding paragraph. It restates your topic and should wrap up the whole essay with a strong ending. I have seen an improvement in my grades through the year by using this format to write an essay. When using formats to write essays it helps keep you organized and stay on track with what your essay will be

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