I at my cousins house one day and they said they were going on a trip to Tennessee and I was like wish I could go. My cousin was like me to but she would not ask. So, me being a savage in all I had to ask.I walked up to my uncle and got a unexpected and answer can I go on the trip with ya’ll he said if it’s ok with your parents.I was like I will be back in a little bit.I ran straight and just ignored my bicycle I was in like a minute we don’t live but 13 acres apart. I asked and they said if it’s alright with them sure. I was like yeah!I was so happy sure enough the next week they got me from school and I had a very long ride ahead of me. I fell asleep for about an hour of the trip.When I woke up we were in Pigeon Forge Tennessee. That’s where
During September the year 2014, my family and I took a 2 day trip to Dollywood. I was just eight years old at the time. That drive took us 12 long hours long because of car problems. Finally at 10 o'clock at night, we sluggishly dragged our extremely tired selves into the comfort of our soft beds in the hotel. The next morning, we drove over to the park and just past the entrance was a special place where you can get measured and given a color coded bracelet that would let you and others know what rides you were tall enough to ride. I was so excited because I was finally tall enough to get an orange bracelet, which meant I could ride most of the rides. After riding the smaller rides with my younger siblings, my mom wanted to take me on a
With the internal improvements spreading throughout early America during the 1830 and 1840s, science and organized experimentation became more important than ever. As a result of the transportation revolution, America started undergoing revolutionary changes in its industrial system. Manufacturers moved from being ran by small families to large business-ran as the costs and complexities increased. Additionally, in the 1840s, laborers started striking for better working conditions and shorter workdays. With the rapidly growing industrialization, we start seeing a greater need in the improvement of technology throughout America. Technologies such as the Francis Turbine, which increased the efficiency of water power, are needed to power the larger manufactures that continue to succeed. Furthermore, we see the ideology of Manifest Destiny play a role by creating heavier need for a means of transportation, as well as that for a means of communication. The circumstances leading up to and during the 1830 and 1840s create a larger demand for technological innovations than ever
The greasy scent of cheap burgers and fries wafted into the car as we pulled into the parking lot of a Wendy’s, right in the heart of who-knows-where, East Tennessee. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I rushed my 12-year-old self out of the minivan and into the palace of grease. Clad in ratty sweatpants and a t-shirt with my hair pressed down from my prolonged use of headphones, it was evident that I spent long hours sitting in a car, asking “if we’re there yet” too many times to count. In this moment, however, carving up Snowshoe Mountain on my snowboard didn’t seem as exciting as the machine that stood across the room. Standing tall, shiny, and red, the Coca-Cola Freestyle soda fountains were in the early stages of being released, and
Though I spent my entire life living in North Carolina I never thought of myself as a Southerner. My understanding of the Southern lifestyle was quite limited; there is an emphasis on family solidarity, and self-sufficiency with an agricultural backdrop that is part of their essence. The South is not simply a location, manners or customs it is a way of life. Hearing the childhood details of a favorite professor allowed me to envision a picture perfect life under the shade of a magnolia tree and little southern girl who grew up to be a Sandhills Community College professor, Mrs. Cole.
Well the week of our trip to Memphis Tennessee had finally arrived ! My colleagues Beverly,
In recent days I had the opportunity to go back to North Carolina for a few short days. There, with a heavy heart from a loss in the family, I had nothing else to look towards. I’ve always heard of individuals finding peace, faith, blessings, and love of Christ from attending church. I’ve never been a person who put their faith into a higher power. As I was growing up my parents never wanted to force me into any religion without me knowing everything about it and choosing which route to take on my own. As the years treaded on, I never bothered myself to learn about the many different religions and what each stands for. So I used this opportunity as mine to attend church for the very first time. I attended the Roman Catholic services held
I am not from San Antonio. I am not from Texas. I’m from California. Where no one twangs, or drawls, or even says hi to the stranger standing in line at the grocery store. Texas, half way across the U.S and what seems like a whole other country compared to California. It is a completely different place that I could have ever imagined living and calling home. I came to Texas to find myself. I didn’t know that when I came here, but it is what ended up happening.
The only state I have ever known as home is North Carolina. I was born and raised in Charlotte and the only time I have ever moved away was last year to start a new chapter of my life as a college student. Growing up in Charlotte has had such an impact on what I plan to do with my future. As a young child I always thought of Charlotte as the next best thing to New York City. I shortly realized after visiting that was not quite the case. New York City introduced me to a new world of opportunity.
Kansas City born and raised in rural Indiana, I did not live and grow up in the same house as most kids around here do. I’ve moved twice in my lifetime and couldn’t be more grateful that we did. My family has made southern Indiana our home now for the last 15 years. I’ve played multiple sports here and with each sport I made more and more friends. When I go back to the city I was born in, I think about how different my life would’ve been if my parents hadn’t decided to move. I would have never gotten the chance to wake up and be surrounded by corn fields every day. I would never have been able to ride fourwheelers in my backyard, mow grass on a riding-mower, or even have a garden. There is privacy here, whereas neighbors in the city can see
This year’s family vacation was one for the books. With my aunt living in Tennessee, we do not get together as often as we would like so my family decided to go to Nashville, Tennessee. When we started our trip, it was 6 a.m. and it was nothing short of fun and laughter along the way. Never having been to Tennessee before, I figured I’d enjoy the eight-hour ride of sight-seeing and laughter with my family. When we were a few miles into the trip, the mountains of Georgia were breathtaking. While I was enjoying the scenery, another thing that I found enjoyable about this trip was the conversation that I had with my family. We went on talking about life in general, all the struggles, and childhood memories that we had. We even talked about years
Have you ever expected an unfavorable outcome from an experience, yet were shocked with the best? Nashville, Tennessee is the city where I was able to realize that I have the potential to do great things with my life. It was the middle of June at the 2016 HOSA International Leadership Conference, and I was sixteen years old. At this time, I had been dealing with anxiety and depression for so long that I never thought I would be able to make an accomplishment that meant something to others and myself. This trip helped me realize that I am capable of more than I think.
Nolensville, Tennessee. The place I call home. I have lived here for the past five years, and although I have not loved every second of it, it has grown to be a place I love to call home. I mostly grew up in Brentwood, Tennessee until I was 13 and got the news we were moving to a new town. I would have to change to new schools and make new friends while having to move houses too.
Have you ever been to Atlanta,Georgia before?The time i went to Atlanta,Georgia was month I have ever had. I got to hangout with my cousins,family,and friends. We had so much fun with them because we did something so much fun.We went to Atlanta,Georgia to go visit people.
The “Create your own colony” has taught me many things about that not only the pilgrims came to america to have religious freedom but other people and types of colonies have come to the new world as well. I learned that the pilgrims didn’t ask permission from the queen of England to enter the new world and so that lead me to royal colonies and proprietary colonies. The queen of England would give permission to one individual and that person would have to make a new colony in the new world and if the colony would frequently have problems within the same colony or with other colonies, that colony would become a royal colony, which means that colony would be direct rule from England. This history is highly important because if the pilgrims didn’t come to the new world, mostly the whole population wouldn’t be here. Also we wouldn’t have any type of government to be based on. Well we all that modern technology has changed tremendously and has changed the way we see the news, sports, weather and many other things. During the colonization time, the people wouldn’t know the weather or new law that was just passed.
English language is one of the most spoken languages around the world, and Mexico it is not the exception, it does not matter where you are from, or the school grade that you are in, from middle school to university even at jobs, English language is involved. Following that idea of having a better job or been in a better school, English has become a requirement now days. Mainly because since 2015, Mexico has been working on making English a mandatory subject on every program of education, so students can become bilingual. “English is the language through which we can all communicate; it is a tool and a fundamental part of professional development and modernization.”(1) Said Aurelio Nuño, Secretary of education in Mexico. Therefore the SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) demands that most of the graduated university students have an acceptable level and fluency on English language in order to obtain their Professional ID.