
The Importance Of English Language In Mexico

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Introduction English language is one of the most spoken languages around the world, and Mexico it is not the exception, it does not matter where you are from, or the school grade that you are in, from middle school to university even at jobs, English language is involved. Following that idea of having a better job or been in a better school, English has become a requirement now days. Mainly because since 2015, Mexico has been working on making English a mandatory subject on every program of education, so students can become bilingual. “English is the language through which we can all communicate; it is a tool and a fundamental part of professional development and modernization.”(1) Said Aurelio Nuño, Secretary of education in Mexico. Therefore the SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) demands that most of the graduated university students have an acceptable level and fluency on English language in order to obtain their Professional ID.
Student background Narda Favela Perez is a Mexican Veterinary that works in the city of Guadalajara. She was born and raised in Chihuahua, a city that is located on the north part of Mexico. She is the youngest of her family that it is conformed by her parents (Carlos Favela and Ana Perez) and her older brother (Juan Luis). By the moment she is in a relationship with a local boy that works as a Doctor at the IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social). Within her nuclear family none of her relatives had knowledge of other languages, but

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