
Personal Narrative: Emma's Journal

Decent Essays

[Chapter ten, page 298. In the original scene Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn, and Enoch have been locked in the ice house with a hollowgast. In the following revision, a character based off myself will appear. Therefore, the scene’s point of view will be my own.] The shadow of the hollowgast shifted against the wall. It seemed to get bigger, meaning it must be getting closer to Emma’s light. “What’s it doing? Why hasn’t it come at us?” Emma whispered. I could hear its breathing intensify. “It’s playing with us,” Jacob said. “It knows were trapped.” My hands stared shaking uncontrollably. “We ain’t no such thing,” Bronwyn says in her typical hot headed way. “Gimme one square go at its face. I’ll punch its bloody teeth in” I grabbed her arm and whispered “Maybe it’s better we don’t …show more content…

“To the door! Jacob yelled. “It’s at the third trough from the left, stay to the right!” I realized this was not the time for logic. Chaos ensued as Bronwyn hurled herself at where she thought the hollow was while the other three bolted for the door. I wanted to follow, but I refused to let Bronwyn lead herself on a suicide mission against a monster she couldn’t even see. I allowed water to slowly begin to drip down my palms. “Bronwyn, take a deep breath,” I warned her. Water gushed out of my hands to encircle Bronwyn, leaving only her head exposed. I could see the shadow of the monster coil back in alarm, the reaction I had expected. However, I did not expect it to begin moving to Jacob, Emma, and Enoch, who had not yet reached the exit. I let Bronwyn free from her watery cage so I could cover the floor in a thin coat of water. Bronwyn bounded toward the others. I searched the floor until I saw the

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