
Personal Narrative: Camp Barnabas

Decent Essays

I am involved in numerous organizations such as Camp Barnabas, Circle of Friends, Operation Beautiful, and Bible school classes. These programs have helped me to be comfortable in diverse situations. I believe these involvements will help strengthen the goals I have set for myself. I am a triplet. I have a brother, Chandler, and sister, Paige. The three of us are very close, closer than most siblings. We have special bond and will be attending the same college this fall. all decided that we want to attend the same college in the fall. One of the most significant events of my life was attending Camp Barnabas. Camp Barnabas is a camp specifically designed for children with special needs. While at camp, the kids can do any activity without the …show more content…

Upon arrival, the exuberant staff welcomed us with some incredible chants and cheers. We were going to be called CIA’s, Christians in Action, for the week. All of the CIA’s were separated from friends and placed into cabins. After becoming acquainted with our new roommates, we got to choose who our campers were going to be for the week. The CIA’s were given a packet full of information about the camper’s diagnosis, how to care for them and their likes and dislikes. I studied the packets for a long time. I came across a girl named Paige, a fraternal twin who had a very mild form of Asperger’s Syndrome. From the moment I picked up her information packet, I knew we were meant to be partnered together because we are both multiples and my sister had the same …show more content…

I was thrown into a tornado of emotions, ranging from anger to depression. I walked back to the cabin alone to find everyone meeting and bonding with their campers. I slowly climbed up into my bed on the top bunk. I watched everyone smiling and laughing while I was left there alone. Why did this have to happen to me? What is God’s plan for me this week? Dreadfully, I got out of bed, exhausted from weeping all night. Without my chosen camper, I became a “floater” which meant I got to help the other CIA’s and their campers. Chelsea, a CIA from Austin, immediately needed my assistance. I reluctantly made it over to Chelsea and her camper, Emma. Emma was nonverbal and wheelchair bound. She had to be fed through a tube and wore briefs, or adult diapers. Little did I know, Emma, Chelsea and I would become best friends, sharing our triumphs and failures in life. The three of us would do everything at camp together. On the extensive walks to the camps’ doctor’s office for routine feedings, we would share personal stories unbeknownst to anyone in our lives. I shared my struggle of my camper, Paige, not showing up and how incredibly difficult it was for me to see everyone have someone to share the most life changing week with. Opening up to them in one of the hardest situations I had ever faced was beyond valuable. Through this tough and emotional experience I found myself, but more importantly, God. I had culminated so many new friends

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