
Physician Assistant Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Growing up, I have always had a passion for education, especially the sciences. I also enjoy developing relationships with people and have a strong desire to help those in need. Therefore, the physician assistant profession immediately stood out to me. It matches my desire to learn and grow academically while developing caring and therapeutic relationships. I think being a physician assistant will challenge me to improve the lives of my patients by providing appropriate medical care while forming meaningful relationships.. Several experiences in recent years have reinforced my desire to pursue a career as a physician assistant. First, during my undergraduate education, I had the privilege of shadowing medical doctors and physician assistants …show more content…

As a physician assistant, I would love to provide medical care to an underserved population and impact people the way that these doctors do on a daily basis. Additionally, after spending the Summer of 2023 at Camp John Marc working with children with chronic illnesses and disabilities, my choice to become a PA has never been more clear. First and foremost, working at Camp John Marc gave me the opportunity to talk to physicians and physician assistants in a myriad of different fields, such as hematology, cardiology, neurology, and osteology. Aside from the valuable knowledge they gave me, I also had the opportunity to observe the interactions they had with their patients and how the quality of care they provided had such an immense impact on their patients and their quality of life. I was also able to develop lasting relationships with the children in an environment away from the confines of a hospital or clinic. One camper in particular that made an impact on me was Kylie, a 7 year old girl with cancer. On the first night of the week, I sat down on her bed to get to know her and we ended up looking at a Where is Waldo

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