
Research Paper On Tabernacles

Decent Essays

(indent) In my region there is a Holy day called “Feast of Tabernacles we go camping,so i am going to share my 60 hour my experience. First,my church called “GOCC” had to take a four hour drive to St.Louis. Me and my family we're excited to sleep is a tent for the first time. We had a tent,two sleeping bags, and a cover. Are church stayed in a train of cars the whole destination. Some of the names of the people that came with my family we're Richard, Adaya,Dayana, Monica, Shawn, David, Al, Shelton, Oliva, Brandi, and Ty’isha. Then,when we got to our campsite the grownups put the kids in pairs and commanded us to look for firewood. After we took two hours of putting up tents, the kids played marco Polo hide-and-go-seek.The ladies hid first,

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